After the first of two days in Addo Elephant National Park I was beginning to think it should have been named Warthog instead because they were everywhere.

Warthogs at Addo Elephant National Park

Male Warthogs have four warts, females only two.  The young have none but do have what looks like a large white handlebar mustache.  This could be easily mistaken for tusks which grow with age.  Some may describe them as ugly yet after seeing so many down on their knees crunching away at the grasses they began to grow on me.

Elephants at Addo Elephant National Park

There was plenty of evidence that elephants were around and eventually on the second day some where seen along the road eating and taking advantage of the water as well. There seemed to be a lack of elephants during my first visit also.

So I guess the name Addo Elephant National Park doesn’t need to change after all.