I thought I had a healthy diet with some occasional indulgences. Yet the more I learn about some of the needless inclusions of certain ingredients that can actually be a detriment to my health the more my diet changes. Along with my shopping habits. I want fructose corn syrup out of my life, just as a start. And without a doubt no GMOs.

No to GMO symbol

On my way to the North Rim for the summer I stayed in Flagstaff for a couple days. I usually stock up on certain items there as my grocery shopping options from the park are over 100 miles away. I took advantage of the huge New Frontiers that offers many options for the organic, vegetarian, gluten free shopper. The prices are higher than the usual chain grocery stores that barely carry anything for the above choices.

GMO food to throw away

This stop included more than just shopping. I did a major purging of my food stocks, fridge, freezer and pantry. I read all the labels, sometimes not even knowing what those long words I can’t pronounce are doing in food. Usually within the first three ingredients I knew to throw it out. Yes, I literally threw away three large trash bags of food. I couldn’t in all consciousness give the poison away.

Organic groceries

I’m still learning what foods can replace my wanton desires. It takes me longer to shop, reading labels and learning my way around the health food stores. Staff has been very helpful. I discovered a great Natural Grocers in St. George, Utah, only 160 miles away. In fact I shopped on a day off, all day. First to Costco for a few items, again slowly to read labels, and not much snacking from their teaser trays of goodies. Though I give them credit for carrying some organic products. Most of my list was filled at the natural food store. And their prices are almost comparable to a chain store. Because of an inside tip of Tuesday deliveries I shopped on my Wednesday off and bought fresh and tasty organic fruits and vegetables. Did go to a chain grocery store but only bought about three items then returned to Natural Grocers to finish off my list.

March against Monsanto

I am horrified by the thought of major chemical companies like Monsanto being in control of food around the world.  Highly recommend watching Genetic Roulette if you don’t know about Monsanto’s atrocities.

It’s not possible to buy organics at the North Rim but I’ll drive the extra miles and spend a little more in an effort to enjoy a healthy diet.  If we don’t buy GMOs the manufacturers don’t make any money.  We have a right to eat healthy and know what’s in our food.  Say NO to GMO!  Here’s a list of companies to stay away from.

List of Monsanto companies

How are you managing to eat healthy foods?  I’m open to suggestions.