Desert sunset Arizona

Desert sunset

Ah, the winter desert was beautiful to walk through and the sunsets were spectacular for this gypsy life.  Yet as spring approached I knew it was time to head back to the Northwest and return to work as a cave guide at Oregon Caves National Monument.

Chalet and visitor center Oregon Caves National Monument Oregon

Oregon Caves Chalet houses the Visitor Center & dormitory above. (Sorry the pano is contorted, the building is not bent.)

When I arrived in March there was still snow.

Siskyou Mountains Oregon

View into the Siskyou Mountains from Lake Mt.

Yet it soon melted and the beauty of spring and summer slipped away, mostly underground.

Oregon Caves National Monument Oregon

Calcite deposit formations, Oregon Caves National Monument

Carson and I went hiking after work almost every day; the forest was right outside our door.

Carson in Lake Creek Siskyou National Oregon

Carson in Lake Creek, Siskyou National Forest

Sometimes I’d hike on the monument where he couldn’t go along.

Big Tree trail Oregon Caves National Monument Oregon

Big Tree trail, Douglas fir has widest girth in Oregon

As fall approached I decided to stay as a volunteer at Oregon Caves.