Sometimes it takes leaving the familiar, moving, and moving on with life.

My dearest friend, I call her soul sister, she is part of my tribe, chosen family.  I’ve known this amazing womyn for 15 years.  We have mentored each other throughout.  Neither mother, sister, or daughter by blood but all three we have been to each other.  Almost three months since being diagnosed with incurable brain cancer she still gifts us all with her presence.  Yet it becomes more difficult every day.  No pain.  Just sleeping a lot.  Increased difficulty with motor skills and memory when tired.

Last week I had to do one of the hardest things in my life.  We hugged, we cried, and we said goodbye as she boarded the shuttle to the airport.  Yet there was relief and the knowledge that family will spend time together.  We will continue to chat and text.  Her blood family lives in Portland, Oregon.

Sierra cat shed porch Berta's Yarnell ArizonaNow I am owned by a cat.

Berta & Gaelyn Yarnell Arizonalousy selfie with Berta 6-14-17

Even though I have spent 12 winters living in Yarnell, Arizona I never really socialized much.  I do love the landscape, climate, and small sized community.  Yet I really came here because of Berta.  And through her I’ve met just a few special people in town.  A few weeks ago I attended a local talk about the geology of the boulders in Yarnell.  They are granitic plutons that look much like those in Joshua Tree National Park and the Alabama Hills in California.  I went as a stranger, not even thinking anyone would know me yet had to talk to several people about Berta.

The inevitable Southwest spring winds were rocking the camper and fortunately keeping the temperature down to 80°F so I didn’t need the AC to survive.  Mostly I sat at the computer for the last several months brainlessly following social media while labeling over 22,000 photos so far this year.  I’ve actually completed 2017.

Berta looking hot Prescott ArizonaBerta at NOAH’s thrift store Prescott AZ

Berta and I first met at a fleamarket over a beautiful vaz I was trying to sell and I asked her to look it up for me online to determine it’s value.  Turned into a $12 vase.  We’ve liked each other ever since.  There will be more stories.

I returned from the shuttle feeling drained and exhausted.  Sierra (my new cat), sat on my lap keeping me in Berta’s chair for almost two hours.  I needed that.  She might have too.  Berta encouraged me to make her place home.

inside house Yarnell Arizonaone big room, no curve, ~55 x 15 feet with a bathroom added on (crappy phone panorama)

I stayed in my camper that first night then spent most of the next day making the house livable for me.  Although not packing everything Berta I did move a few things to make room for a cardtable-desk where I can see out the door and windows.  Paid for that later with very sore shoulders and back.  I love to look at Berta’s eclectic collection and like every piece even though it is not the way I would decorate.

door view Sierra yard shed sign Yarnell ArizonaPart of me wants a vacation, yet I don’t want to go anywhere at all.  Nor can I really afford to.  But it does sound appealing to catnap Sierra and take a little journey.  Find out if my new owner likes to travel.  She does like to go outside and knows her local neighborhood.

trees boulders sunset Yarnell ArizonaI still don’t have a job but at least I have a place to live (three places really) and food in the fridge.  For a gypsy like me it seems unusual not to be rolling down the highway.  Instead I have to start moving on with life.  Yarnell is a perfect place to be, at least for a while.

shed yard garden house Yarnell ArizonaPardon me, it’s time to feed the birds and water the flowers.