Thank you for all the heartfelt thoughts and aide after the fire loss of all things, most precious to me Sierra. I’m still traveling in the comfortable embrace of amazing caravan tribe though currently boondocking near Pahrump at the edge of MOAN Nevada. Working on my phone which is a struggle.

Several days after the fire, Hannah’s caravan left Mill Creek continuing slowly southward following the most agreeable weather.

After a shopping stop in Tonopah we all met at Indian Lakes and enjoyed a couple days bird watching. I was jumping through insurance hoops and praying for a quick resolve. Really should have known better.
Another jump south found us north of Goldfield where some stayed at a nice rest area before continuing to Pahrump and others wanted to soak at the Alkali Flats hot spring.
We regrouped for an excellent breakfast in historic Goldfield and explored the town.

Then the hot springs group made it a day by touring the International Car Forest.

After several days of soaking and seeing wild horses we moved on to Pahrump with a stop in Beatty for a candy stock up.

Using a friend’s mail box service I received a new debit card, still waiting for replacement driver’s license. Also looking online for replacement wheeleastate.
Will try to update again soon.