Shortly after returning from the Colorado River trip, I took a drive to Hurricane to shop and returned home by way of Zion National Park.

The shuttle ride up Zion Canyon makes many stops at trail heads and ends at the River Walk trail. No cars are allowed during summer unless you have reservations at the Lodge.

In August the Columbine still bloomed.

And little fishes abounded in the Virgin River.

Didn’t wade upriver in the Narrows like I’d done before.

Monuments of sandstone tower over the drive east out of Zion.

And the road follows the contour of the canyon walls.

Except where tunnels were built through in 1930. Over-sized vehicles must make arrangements in advance to drive through the tunnels.

Windows were added for light and to disperse car fumes. I sure couldn’t get a photo out any of the windows as there is no stopping in the tunnels.

The second tunnel is much shorter.

Yet the sculpted sandstone continues.
Have you visited Zion National Park?