Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

Staying home on a quiet weekend often finds me hiking the Transept trail along the west rim of the North Rim’s developed area and located less than .25 mile from my RV home.

Widforss Plateau from Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

The view crosses Transept canyon looking west at Widforss Plateau.  The entire trail from the Grand Lodge to the campground covers 1.5 miles of forested rim.

Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

Keep your eyes open for sweet little side trails…

Mike on rock outcrop & Widforss Plateau from Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

…to almost secret rocky overlooks.

Pinedrops along Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona


Plus colorful treasures in the forest.

Mike sitting on edge along Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

Mike has really overcome his fear of edges. Maybe a little too much.

Gaelyn on rock outcrop off Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

Possibly he learned that from me.

Sponge fossil along Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

Our discoveries are many including this huge sponge fossil.

Limestone stratigraphy from rock outcrop off Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

And I love the sculptures of eroded limestone stacked like ancient building blocks.

Mike on rock outcrop overlooking Widforss Point & temples from off Transept trail North Rim Grand Canyon National Park Arizona

Geologist Clarence Dutton named the Transept Canyon in 1882 because of the way it crosses the north-south Bright Angel Canyon at an east-west angle like the arms of a cruciform church. He remarked that it was “one of the finest and perhaps most picturesque gorges in the whole Kaibab front.”