August monsoons provide a mixed show of light and shadows from the North Rim Grand Canyon National Park.
This week’s Foto Friday Fun includes 11 images chosen by readers picking a number out of my photo archives. Had a couple of duplicate choices and with high end numbers there aren’t multiple choices so I had to substitute. Yet those high numbers also meant a lot of views from Tsitsikamma National Park, which isn’t a problem for me as I love the place. Hope you do too.
Elaine chose #2013, “Since the year is rapidly coming to a close.” And as it does and I get closer to returning to South Africa I dream of these kinds of fantastic views into the Drakensberg Mountains like this image from Golden Gate Highlands National Park.
Arija chose #5100. Knowing how much she loves to watch the sky I think she’ll enjoy this sunset over the Weaver Mountains taken in Kirkland, Arizona on a drive home.
Firefly chose #4999 which was taken 30 minutes before the above sunset.
Yogi chose #666, “Just cuz I am a devilish guy, sometimes.” Do I see a devilish grin on this mercat seen at Tenikwa Wildlife Awareness Centre in Plettenberg Bay South Africa.
Sherry chose #1010 and she loves the ocean. In fact I don’t think this is the first time she’s lucked out with a shot of the crashing waves at Storms River Mouth Tsitsikamma National Park South Africa. With all this teasing I may get her to join me on a future visit.
MaryBeth chose #2011, “the year I met Bob and for all the fun I have had since.” The two of them love road trips so should really come down to the Southwest and see views from the road like this of Vermilion Cliffs and House Rocky Valley.
Diane chose #1915, “the year my Mum was born.” Time slips away and we loose loved ones just as the forest looses old trees to make room for the new. This cycle is seen where fire destroyed a forest on the Walhalla Plateau allowing the young aspen to return and show their fall color.
Sallie chose #1957, “the year we got married.” If I ever get married again I’d like to spend my honeymoon for several weeks at Tsitsikamma National Park watching the waves and hoping for dolphins to swim by.
Jo also chose #4999 but because there’s only one choice for that number I gave her a look at the Bradshaw Mountains earlier on the same day as the above Weaver Mountain images.
Melissa chose #1928, “the year my Mum was born.” I’m not sure wild tomatoes have anything to do with the birth of your Mum but that’s the image you got. Saw these while hiking the Suspension Bridge trail at Storms River Mouth Tsitsikamma National Park in South Africa. They are an invasive species and thanks to my South African friend Joan I knew better than to eat them.
Barb chose #1091, “the ages of the twins and their brothers.” Knowing how much Barb and her grandchildren like to get outdoors I believe they’d like to hike around Johnson Canyon in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.
My choice this week is the inside of a friend’s new house. His uninsured home burned during the Yarnell Fire and volunteers are building him a new home. Every day changes occur as this place goes up pretty fast. I predict he’ll be moved in by Christmas. From the ashes rises the new.
Thank you for joining in Foto Friday Fun. I really enjoy digging through my archives and pulling the stories from my memories. To join in the fun for next week leave a number between 1 and 4990 in a comment and maybe see your chosen image next week.
Do you have a favorite from this week?
Look for other photos posted on Geogypsy Facebook page not usually seen here.
Ancient sand dunes revealed by erosion tower over Zion Canyon from South Campground in Zion National Park. First designated as a National Monument in 1909 then ten years later established as a National Park.
Have you visited Zion National Park or any of the other parks in southern Utah?