This week’s Foto Friday Fun features images chosen by 10 readers including Grand Canyon, a fun fence, strange coincidence of the 26th of different months over several years, and the 2021 Geogypsy calendar cover shot most chosen by readers.
Yogi and random dot org chose #8260. Monsoon was my favorite season while working at Grand Canyon National Park as I loved to watch the storms and feel the powerful energy. I often drove into the Kaibab National Forest to the rim and this shot is from Parissawampitts Point taken 9-26-14.
Jim and Diana chose #25. A scanned print from a California vacation summer 1971 of Donner Lake as my family returned to Illinois.
Jennifer chose #6129. Interesting coastal rocks along the Indian Ocean seen from the Suspension Bridge trail in Tsitsikamma National Park, South Africa during my visit 2-26-14.
Susie chose #2021, “hoping it will be a better year for all of us.” I think we’d all agree with that as it’s been feeling like a constant construction zone, certainly worse than pictured along SR89A in northern Arizona taken 9-27-15.
Diane and Nigel chose #210, one of two in a panorama. Berta and I had so much fun building this fence by attaching the beautiful slab wood to a small, already existing decorative fence. Then rain soaked the ground and wind blew our fence over but it was repaired.
Jeff chose #1998, “the last time my PADRES won a post season series.” This shot taken 9-26-10 was the first time I visited the iconic Toroweap view of Grand Canyon and this is right across the chasm from that overlook.
Rita chose #2933. A mid-June storm in 2015 brought low clouds dancing around Vishnu Temple as seen from Cape Royal on the North Rim Grand Canyon National Park.
Lisa chose #9273. The Wave, ultimate hiking destination by permit only in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness.
Sallie and Bill chose #654. A fun view looking east and north while driving south on SR89A in northern Arizona. Echo Cliffs to my left and Vermilion Cliffs behind. Confused yet?
Sherry chose #1031, “the day I leave to get back on the road.” I know that desire. The first shot was taken on a 9-20-10 road trip to Bryce Canyon from the Bristlecone Loop trail southward. I also included the same view taken last Saturday, 10-3-20, with a much reduced view due to smoky haze.
Hard to believe I’ve been blogging for 12 years. I was working my first season at Grand Canyon and a friend suggested I try blogging to share stories and photos. I didn’t even know what that meant. After a little nosing around I published my first blogspot post on 10-08-08. I joined a couple of memes, where I met some of you. Then continued to write, at first almost daily and don’t know how I did that. Though I don’t post nearly as often, I still enjoy sharing stories and photos. Yet the best part of blogging is you.
Thank you for playing along with Foto Friday Fun which allows me to share these photographs and memories. For more of the story just follow the links. Please join in next week by leaving a number between 0001 and 9999 in your comment below.
Do you have a favorite this week?
Yes, I’m still working on fixing the comment problem. Please know I am getting the comments even if they don’t show up here. Thanks for your patience.
Cover shot taken from February camp at Kofa NWR AZ
Time to order a 2021 Geogypsy calendar, $25 includes shipping in the USA.