This week’s Foto Friday Fun features images chosen by 11 readers including multiple Colorado River views from Toroweap, a couple shots from South Africa’s Tsitsikamma National Park, several panoramas.
Diane and Nigel chose #1903 a multi-shot panorama. During my first visit to South Africa in 2010 I took an overnight hike into the Drakensburg Mountains guided by Jo’s son.
Cathy chose #2171. Looking downstream on the Colorado River and Lava Falls rapid from the iconic Toroweap along the north rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
Jo chose #1528, “a guest reservation number.” Harvey Meadows on the North Rim Grand Canyon can be seen on the drive to the Widforss trailhead.
Sue chose #1971. Another view from Toroweap 3000 feet above the Colorado River looking upstream.
Lisa chose #2003, “for the official start of spring break.” Not sure Toroweap is a spring break destination but that’s OK, don’t tell anybody. This panorama from the same trip as above looks straight down on the river.
Yogi and random dot org chose #6354. Barely enough light for this sunset Ocean over the Indian Ocean from Tsitsikamma National Park in South Africa during my third visit in 2014.
Doris chose #734. An early monsoon storm at the end of June in 2009 driving north on SR89 from Flagstaff through the Painted Desert and looking at Echo Cliffs.
Sherry chose #6128. Back to Tsitsikamma National Park on the Suspension Bridge trail crossing over the mouth of the Storms River.
Jodee and Bill chose #1717. My first visit to Bryce in October 2010 when I hiked Wall Street.
Rita chose #0329. At the end of the Toadstools trail in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Doesn’t the water spillway look like a heart?
Sallie and Bill get #0093, (93 words in their last comment). She is so good photographing flowers, unlike this crooked shot. The Desert Gold flowers enjoyed enough moisture for a Superbloom at Death Valley National Park in February 2016.
My choice of a stormy looking day that gave a dozen drops of rain taken at my last camp looking at the Kofa Mountains.
Thank you for playing along with Foto Friday Fun which allows me to share these photographs and memories. For more of the story just follow the links. Please join in next week by leaving a number between 0001 and 9999 in your comment.
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