Welcome to the new Geogypsy website!
Today I celebrate my 58th birthday, and my blog’s 1000th post birthday, and the birth of a new website for this geogypsytraveler.com. Yes, I like attention. Yes, this is all a Big Deal to me. Please say you’ll keep following my adventures through life.
I started blogging in October 2008 at the suggestion of my friend, fellow Ranger, and cybermentor Karen of FabGrandma. I’ve been a writer and photographer forever. Starting out with the Brownie box, then polaroid, the instamatic, and P&Ss. Writing in diaries, journals and college newsletters. I want to continue learning about photography and writing, and the world. I have a dream.
Please look over the new site, pick it apart. Let me know what you like, don’t like, and feel free to suggest changes. I’ve been working on this for over a month and I’m not a website designer. I actually tried to keep the appearance similar to my old blog for some consistency, and besides I like it.
Big Thanks!
To all 337+ of you followers. I couldn’t have gotten here without you.
I have a dream. I plan to continue traveling and sharing my adventures. Someday soon I’ll even get paid for it. (Donations gladly accepted:)
In the mean time, I return to the North Rim at Grand Canyon National Park the end of April for trainings. But don’t plan to visit until the gate opens May 15th. See ya’ there, or here.
So what do you think? Be honest now.