R37 North Mpumalanga South Africa

After Joan and I visited Sudwala Caves and the Dinosaur Park we continued our journey towards Kruger National Park via several waterfalls.

Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

Mpumalanga,”place of the rising sun” – could also be called place of many waterfalls. Lone Creek Falls is a National Monument 223 feet (68 m) high.

River below Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

A short walk through a dense rainforest took us to the bottom of the falls.

Mushrooms Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

The spray from the falls moistens the ground enough for coral fungi mushrooms.

Flower Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

And flowers that will have to be identified by Joan.

Spider with egg sac Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

As will this spider we saw holding on to its egg sac.

River below Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

Due to recent rains the flow was fairly strong.

Jackal Buzzard eating Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

On the walk back to the parking lot we were treated to this African Goshawk busily eating, something. They mainly eat small ground mammals, snakes, lizards, small ground birds, insects and road-kill. This might have been a fresh-water crab. It didn’t budge from its meal while we took lots of photos. But I was too excited to hold very still for my shots. Check out Joan’s photos for much better quality.

Table cloths for sale Lone Creek Falls Mpumalanga South Africa

      Table cloth I should have bought for FabGrandma at stall by parking lot

I encountered some confusion about the name of these falls. The sign read Berlin Falls but we visited another Berlin Falls the next day. Yet after some Googling this one looks like Lone Creek Falls south of Graskop instead of north.