cell tower sign Nothing ArizonaI took four days to coddiwomple about 400 miles on my slow ride from Cedar City, Utah to Congress, Arizona, and fit in some friend visits along the way.

My last day in Cedar City, I paid the KOA electric bill and the owner dumped the camper tanks for me as I still don’t have the strength or dexterity to hook up the sewer hose.  Then off I went to my last PT and doctor visits.

I15 Virgin River Gorge UtahThe first time I’d driven in over a month and it felt good to be behind the wheel.  I felt different after a 1 1/2 hour drive through the beautiful windy Virgin River Gorge and on to Mesquite, Nevada.

truckcamper Mesquite NevadaThe truck just barely fit in Mary and Michael’s driveway and was easy to mostly level.  They fed me, we chatted and I went to the camper about 8:30pm. They also fed me breakfast and sent leftovers.

last light mountains Poverty Flats Nevada

last light mountains Poverty Flats Nevada

truckcamper sunset clouds Poverty Flats NevadaThe next day I hit the road around noon and in barely an hour was parked and somewhat level at Poverty Flats. I took a short walk with the small camera and phone.  A man in a golf cart caught up with me and asked if I was Geogypsy. A lurker blog reader from Wyoming.

sunset Poverty Flats NevadaHow I love the quiet and warm desert.

Gaelyn Poverty Flats NevadaSo much that I stayed an extra night instead of driving an hour to Boulder City.  Good thing, as the free parking above the casino was closed.

Lake Road Nevada

Lake Mead Lake Road Nevada

Gaelyn truckcamper Kingman Arizona by TerriInstead I made the 2 ½ hour slow ride to Kingman and visited with another friend.  Thanks Terri.

Dazzos Wikeup Arizona

stormy SR93 South ArizonaFor the next day rain was predicted all over the SW so I made a two hour run for it with a stop at Dazzos for Italian Beef for lunch.

truckcamper North Ranch Congress Arizona

Curve bill thrasher bird Yucca plant North Ranch Congress ArizonaBy late afternoon I was parked at North Ranch in tiny space #74, on a corner, next to a birdy bush that could be some kind of Yucca.

Pickleball court North Ranch Congress ArizonaI’m across the street from the Pickleball court.

truckcamper sunset clouds North Ranch Congress ArizonaAnd have a decent view west for sunset.

After several days of rain I went up the hill to Yarnell where I gave up my post office box and had lunch at Gilligans.

Vulture Mine Road West clouds Wickenburg ArizonaNow I’m set up with PT in Wickenburg three days a week for the next month.  I am healing, slowly, and getting better every day.