No one visiting due to the federal government shutdown at Grand Canyon. It is eerily quiet except for the wind in the tree tops.
This morning the parking lot was almost empty. Visitors still had until noon to leave. Campers had been told they had to stay in camp or leave. I miss the amazed looks of people from around the world seeing Grand Canyon for their first time. And even their second or twentieth. I never tire of looking into the canyon.
Cabins were being cleaned for perhaps the last time until next year. The North Rim cabins typically close after October 15th but it doesn’t look like they’ll make it due to the shutdown. The North Rim would typically attempt to stay open for at least day use until December 1st, unless the snow flies first. Then reopen May 15th, still weather dependent.
And surprise, no hiking on trails. All trailheads were barricaded. Plus the scenic drive was closed. These closures extend to visitors and staff, furloughed or not. With very limited ‘essential’ personnel safety issues are being taken into consideration.
This US government shutdown effects Federal lands, and not all because there’s too many access points to many National Forests and Bureau of Land Management lands, but not State, County or City parks. Of course the shutdown also effects all surrounding community businesses and all the people that had planned to visit during this time.

Where did everybody go?
Just like you, I am still waiting to hear if the US government will reopen along with the National Parks. Please let your representatives know how you feel about the shutdown.