I feel about 14,000 words behind in my self-challenged attempt to write an eBook in 30 days about going to the North Rim Grand Canyon. Really not that hard to write 1000 words in a day, if I could discipline myself to do it every day. And I find it much more fun to peruse Facebook and catch up with your blogs. Plus planning for my winter adventure in Africa. But I am working on this project, and it is shaping up.
I started by thinking of the questions people ask when they get to the visitor center, the answers I give repeatedly, and what information might help them before they leave home to visit Grand Canyon’s North Rim. I asked my readers for their input, thank you. I made a document and began to list ideas. In the old days this first step would have been on paper in the form of what I call bubble brain by putting down topics and connecting them with my form of logic. Then an outline.
All this time I’m contemplating a title, looking for a reoccurring theme. Plus asking my own questions. Who is the audience that will need this information? What is the goal of this publication? Where should it be made available? How can I help you? Why….am I doing this?
Day 18. Slowly the words come together. Between watching the birds.