Shells from Padre Island, Texas, and water bird skull from the Salton Sea, California
I collect things, lots of things, too many things. I love my gifts from the earth the best.
Almost empty living room
I’ve been emptying the 5th-wheel to give it a good scrubbing and paint the ceiling, in between way too much time online.
Just one stack
Upon digging into the deepest corners I’ve rediscovered things I haven’t seen since I moved in five years ago. Plastic tubs mostly full of feathers, rocks, shells, bones, antlers, leather, furs, gourds, and crochet thread. I’ve used pieces of these things for craft projects in the past and may need them again. I didn’t empty the bead cupboard, it’s tightly packed, closed and contained.
Personal jewelry
Then there’s the jewelry I also collect, some for personal wear, and some for future resale which I call my retirement. Plus all the dust collectors I wrapped and packed when moving from the Grand Canyon. And let’s not forget books.
I collect things, lots of things, too many things. I love my gifts from the earth the best.
Almost empty living room
I’ve been emptying the 5th-wheel to give it a good scrubbing and paint the ceiling, in between way too much time online.
Just one stack
Upon digging into the deepest corners I’ve rediscovered things I haven’t seen since I moved in five years ago. Plastic tubs mostly full of feathers, rocks, shells, bones, antlers, leather, furs, gourds, and crochet thread. I’ve used pieces of these things for craft projects in the past and may need them again. I didn’t empty the bead cupboard, it’s tightly packed, closed and contained.
Personal jewelry
Then there’s the jewelry I also collect, some for personal wear, and some for future resale which I call my retirement. Plus all the dust collectors I wrapped and packed when moving from the Grand Canyon. And let’s not forget books.
What to do with it all?
Piles of stuff
I really like Ruth’s idea at Body Soul and Spirit about simplicity. I’ve tried to simplify, after all I live in a 27×8 foot RV. Now I’m looking at these piles of stuff and wondering how it all fit.
Actually, I’m procrastinating the “scrubbing” part of this project. Does anybody LIKE cleaning?