OK, so now I’ve replaced the stolen laptop and needed to also replace photos so we returned to Kruger National Park on Thursday.
Drove in pouring rain through the gate and wondered if we’d see any animals through the streaked and foggy windows. Even thought about getting a chalet for the night instead of setting up the tent. But when we got close to Lower Sabie Camp it quit raining, and besides the chalet would have cost us almost $100 compared to $15 to camp.
Set up in the same site we stayed in only about one week ago under threatening skies with thunder booming and barely got done before the sky opened and I scurried into the tent. Joan has a bed set up in the back of her pickup.
Wasn’t long before it quit raining once again and we drove out under still gray sky watching a huge dark bank of clouds sailing towards us.
First sighting, my favorite, an elephant.
This European Roller looked at us as though we were crazy being out in such inclement weather.
So did this Glossy Starling.
And this Red-billed Hornbill. A day for birds.
All this heavy rain makes for lots of mud. Barely a day for man or beast.
We parked under a tree for a bit to wait out more rain and when it stopped once again the scene became still, hot and humid.
A good time for a nap for some.
And play for others.
But it wasn’t long before setting sun told us to get back to camp. It feels good to be back in Kruger, like coming home.