After visiting the Grand Canyon and friends on both sides of the big ditch I continued this summer journey north into Utah to visit more friends.
Made a stop along the way at Jacob Lake Inn and bought a dozen cookies to share with friends.
Funny there was only 11 cookies by the time I got to Kanab and my friend’s house.
I’ve known Amanda since 2003 when we worked as Rangers leading cave tours at Oregon Caves. Her driveway provided an amazingly level friendock (free place to park at a friends) for the night.
I spent two more nights in Kanab in friends Joe and Tom’s backyard. We walked into town one evening for some great outdoor music.
Monday morning I was at Ramsay Towing & Service Center when they opened at 8 for an oil change. They don’t make appointments, but I’ve been happy with work done before. Figured a good idea to have the truck looked over before making this summer journey of at least 3000 miles as semi-planned. Three hours later I was ready to roll.
Barely mid-June and already pushing 90° at my next friends stop in St. George. Thankfully she received mail for me that another friend forwarded the license plate tabs that would expire in July. Almost messed up on that one waiting until three days before leaving home to pay for the tabs. What would I do without friends to look over me? Thank you.
With temperatures rising, I left Utah and high-tailed it into Nevada to explore some new territory while watching the weather, fire, and free camping apps. I had so much fun visiting with all these friends, and a few more, but was peopled out and ready for me time. As I discovered, being alone is real easy in MOAN, Nevada. (#MiddleofAbsolutelyNowhere)
I was going to skip this part of my journey but realized I have many friends because of social media, national parks, blogging and being generally friendly. Thanks to each of you. And by the way I’m still up for visiting friends along this summer journey. I’m currently near central Oregon slowly heading north to Washington. All plans are subject to change. My posts are way behind real time, but there’s a box on the sidebar I try to keep up-to-date with current location.