After a long Havasu hike to Supai and a restful night at the Lodge plus breakfast at the Cafe, Jake and I hoisted our backpacks and headed down the trail two miles to the campground.
Upper New Navajo Falls
On the way we saw the New Navajo Falls.
Lower New Navajo Falls
Erosion over millions of years has created all the canyons of the Colorado Plateau and flash floods are part of that story.
Lower New Navajo Falls
On August 17th, 2008 after days of heavy rain the earthen dam along Cataract Creek ruptured and 45 miles (72.4 km) downstream flooding near Supai altered the terrain once again.
Navajo Falls was destroyed creating New Navajo Falls during that flood. So much of the landscape nearby still shows both the natural scars and what humans have done afterwards to reinforce the terrain.
Monkey flowers
Yet the land heals.