OM, I’ve been going to PT in Cedar City Utah three weeks. Sadly, I am nowhere near 100% fixed.
She likes fresh water from my glass
My life is typically planned for in six month increments, though the last two years messed up that balance of work and play, first loosing my best friend then my job. Breaking both wrists mid-August put a snag in my life. I should be on the road and gone somewhere instead of sitting in the Cedar City Utah KOA watching the leaves drop in a chilly north wind. (Sorry I couldn’t share the phone video of the leaves being blown about.)
Thank goodness for electricity providing heat, whatever it’s costing. Some afternoons are sun warmed enough to have windows and the door open. But nights have been cold.
I’m walking my two blocks to PT three times a week. Movement and stretching increase in tiny amounts. I mostly ache all the time from 1-3 on the pain scale. I’m up to lifting about 3/4 of a gallon, six pounds, using a handle and with both hands. Living alone kind of means everything I do is PT. Just give a thought to using your hands and wrists all day long. I’m getting better every day. Yet still not much motion backwards or side to side. Am I expecting too much? Look forward to a re-evaluation.
Besides some necessary grocery shopping, PT is about all I do here. I haven’t moved the truck in a month, but have started it’.
I did visit a local novelty which I will try to post about soon.
A Flagstaff friend attended the sheep parade for the Cedar City Livestock & Heritage Festival. I didn’t go as I’m not a lover of crowds, or dust, or sheep poop.
Pulled into KOA for a couple nights
Daytime temperatures in the mid 60° is nice. A few nights below freezing prompted me to buy a second room heater. Now that nights are in the high 30s it feels like a heatwave. Did I really just write that, the person who HATES being cold?
Getting cold is unhealthy for me with my poor circulation. It’s stressful, which is never healthy. Even poor Sierra went through stress the two weeks I spent in the hospital. Her normally beautiful long fluffy fur became matted. Thank goodness Jen is a cat whisperer with the right tools. I am amazed at how cooperative Sierra was when Jen basically shaved part of her back. She doesn’t want her photo taken now from the back.
After three weeks doing PT in Cedar City and only 30% improvement in motion there is concern that I need more aggressive (not torturous) PT. My Dr. says I’m behind schedule on mobility. Also tells me I can’t rely on only continuing on my own. It’s not easy to stretch one bum hand with another bum hand. So, I’m adding another week to Cedar City before I head further south to I’m not really sure where.
Update on the calendars: Just like last year, the first shipment had a printer glitch on 1-2 photos, every calendar. So Shutterfly sent a second shipment that included quality control. I have most of your calendars in addressed envelopes. Now I need to get to the post office and that might be a week or two away. Thanks for your patience.