01 Chip seal on parking lot by VC at NR GRCA NP AZ

We’ve been dealing with the resurfacing of roads and parking lots here for almost a month now. I realize that during the heat of summer is the only time this nasty job can be done. Yet it sure screws up traffic. And with 1/4 to 1/2 the parking lot closed at one time visitors are having to park along the road, which some don’t seem to understand that their vehicles need to be OFF the road. I’m surprised no one’s been creamed. I’ve driven around in circles up to 5 times trying to park so I can go to work. Plus, where concession employees park their RVs have also been resealed and those poor folks had to move their rolling homes twice. Sure glad I park on dirt and gravel in this case. But here’s the corker. With the job only half done, it’s been discovered that no catalyst was in this black messy slurry so it will never set up and now it all has to be dug up and done over. I guess when you choose the lowest bidder, you get what you pay for. The company’s name has been withheld to protect the guilty.