Not me, the birds. (Well not me fat, definitely happy though.)
I love the view from my computer desk. Not the prettiest stand for the bird feeders, but I had it and it works, and it’s getting better as I pile more cut branches around it.
Of course that provides a freeway for the occasional chipmunk.
During winter I spend quite a bit of time at my computer desk watching the birds, enticed in by my multiple feeders. Not something I get to do when working during summer where I see a variety of different birds in their totally natural and very different habitat. Mr. Cardinal catches my eye in such total contrast to the winter green backdrop.
The most common sparrow visitors are the white-crowned, plus the chipping which are even harder to capture in anything but a blur.
Can’t miss the raucous call of the scrub jays. I think they’re yelling at me because the feeders are hard for them to land on. Does it seem I’m getting a dirty look from this one.
The Crissal Thrasher is an uncommon visitor, maybe because I live at the northeastern edge of of it’s territory.
I don’t count the birds, sometimes the ground is crawling with sparrows. Yet I so enjoy watching their antics in between unpacking my chachkies/dust collectors while I redecorate my Yarnell nest site.