Grand Canyon North Rim Native American Heritage Days
Been way busy bringing work home with me. I’m helping with Heritage Days by designing promotional flyers, schedules and signs. I had a great image idea for the masthead, but alas, I would first have to learn new software and there’s no time for that. (Put on list of things to do.)
Wedding and Storyteller pots no more than 4 inches tall
Saturday night a large crowd showed up at my campfire program. When I roved the campground to invite visitors to the 7:00 p.m. program a lot of kids got excited about “getting dirty playing with clay.” After my story of Old Clay Man and Old Clay Woman I distributed a handful of clay to at least 25 kids and they worked their magic. These are two of the best.
August 13th & 14th you should come to the North Rim to enjoy flute music, dancing and song along with cultural demonstrations by Hopi, Navajo and Lakota Native Americans. I’ll try to keep you up to date.