I hate housework. Berta calls the dust velvet, and mine is of the thick plushest quality. If I had a better camera I’d show you.
Yet every spring I try to go through all the little corners and boxes and cupboards to remove unneeded stuff. OK, so I never get through it all, but I can always find stuff that need to go.
Planning a yard sale this Friday and/or Saturday. Please come buy some of this stuff.
For me spring cleaning is a time to reflect on goals and intentions. Is anything from the past gathering dust bunnies?
And I’m a list maker. I suppose partly so I don’t forget, yet mostly because it feels good to cross things off my list. Sometimes, I cross things off that I haven’t done because I’ve changed my intentions. And that’s just fine.
Because change is certainly the only constant in my life, from Now, to Now, to Now…..