Yesterday on the way to town Berta and I saw a Roadrunner and it actually quit running long enough for several photos (taken by Berta).
There’s a dry wash behind all the scrub
I felt bad this morning as their water was frozen, and so was mine. Once my hose thawed out I poured warm water on top of their iced bowls.
Sparrows, juncos and a quail
White-crowned and Chipping sparrows come in flocks with a few Dark-eyed Juncos mixed in, eat for a bit then usually scurry away when a Scrub Jay arrives.
Scrub jay
I may have seen a Western Bluebird, would be my first here although I have seen Mountain Bluebirds, and hoping it comes back for a photo. Or maybe because I didn’t have my glasses on it was a jay.
Female cardinal
The red and orange of the Northern Cardinal occasionally slips in.
Towhee in the bush and unknown
A few Rufous-sided Towhees hang around the edges. I don’t know the bird on the water bowl and couldn’t figure it out. Open for suggestions.
Quail and sparrows
Gambel quail bobble in and out.
Morning Doves
These two lonesome doves warily wandered through.
How many sparrows do you see?
It’s so nice to be back in my little RV watching the birds right outside my window from where all these pictures were taken. These cold days make for a rush of activity around the feeders. But they also keep me inside hovering over the heater. It’s not easy to keep an RV warm when it gets down into the 30s F. And there’s snow in the forecast by Monday. This snowbird really needs to fly further south. Costa Rica anybody? 😉
5 sparrows on the feeders and 3 in the trees above.