Arizona Highways is having an online photo contest. So I entered my one photo in each of the four categories.


01 Long-horned beetle on Catherines hat Native American Heritage Days NR GRCA NP AZ (A-top a Flat-top) (800x600)

A-top a Flat-topLong-horn beetle gets a front row seat on Park Ranger hat at Western Heritage Days – North Rim Grand Canyon NP


02 View W with storm from Cape Royal Walhalla Plateau NR GRCA NP AZ (Royal view) (800x571)

Royal ViewView west into Grand Canyon from Cape Royal overlook on the Walhalla Plateau – North Rim Grand Canyon NP


03 Bee in Grizzly Bear Cactus North Kaibab Trail Bright Angel Canyon GRCA AZ (800x707)

Bee-hindBee pollinates Grizzly Bear Cactus along the North Kaibab trail – Grand Canyon NP

People in the environment

04 Mike on rock outcrop overlooking Widforss Point & temples from off Transept trail NR GRCA NP AZ (591x800)

SolitudeMike DuPuy contemplates Grand Canyon from the Transept trail

Go take a look, and vote for the ones you like. Not necessarily mine as I may have left off some info on the entry forms and be disqualified. Oops