On the way home from the post office, we saw S just off the road walking her…….


Actually this little fellow, named Chili, has been free ranging with cows all summer, and not always on the range. Cows and burro were seen all over the neighborhood. Now that the cows have been brought off the range poor Chili has been all alone.

This 14 year old burro belonged to someone who moved away, a pet since birth. Many in town have voiced a concern that Chili would be hit crossing the busy highway. S has been trying to catch this adorable burro for weeks and make sure he gets a good home.

Gaelyn & Chili

Berta and I burro sat in S’s backyard while she went to talk to a local rancher about moving Chili to his new home at Muleshoe Animal Clinic. And he won’t be alone as there are three other burros living there.

Chili acts like an overgrown dog lazily walking on a leash. He happily crunched down carrots and apples while leaning into head scratches. His soft gray wavy coat contrasts with the chocolate brown cross created by the mane and back-stripe right into his tail. His huge ears are two-tone. Plus his big brown eyes……

Very cute. No room at my house for a burro. I’m just glad that S rescued Chili and found him a good home.