I rode the wildest roller coaster called life last year and after many lessons am ready for a simple Merry-go-round. At least for a little while.
Stuck in the driveway
The last new year started off with a new home, that’s on wheels of course. I’d been looking for Just the right 5th-wheel layout and price for several years.
The end of January a fellow Ranger friend attended training at the South Rim of Grand Canyon giving me an excellent excuse for a trip to the canyon. I miss the canyon during my winter off-season.
Sonoran desert, bridled titmouse, sunset, cardinal & sparrows
February I watched the birds, sunsets and walked in the desert.
Susie of Arabia & me, Colossal Cave, Saguaro NP & Casa Grande NM
I headed for south Texas to visit Mom in March taking in some interesting sights along the way, meeting fellow blogger Susie and having truck troubles.
Black-bellied whistling ducks, golden-fronted woodpecker, chachalaca, long-billed curlews & great kiskadee
I added several new lifer birds in TX.
Then the visit changed into moving Mom to Arizona. After being in denial for a two week visit I realized Mom couldn’t take care of herself any more.
Packing Mom’s house
April is a blur. I might have been on autopilot.
Walking along the resaca every evening helped. Even more help was talking to Mike nightly and him allowing me to vent endlessly, without trying to fix it.
K on the beach, her art & Oscar
Occasionally I could slip away to visit my Aunt K, sister to my father, a delightfully intelligent and creative person. We just became friends in the past seven years.
I arrived a few weeks late to work in May, but the canyon waits patiently.
In June Mom passed away. (K passed in October.)
July an almost new truck came into my life to tow the almost new RV. Thanks Mom & Dad for making this purchase possible. Every time I get behind the wheel I think of them towing their own 5th-wheel around the mid-west and south many years ago.
Hermit Rapids Colorado River
August proved to be the highest crest of excitement, a month of many firsts. I never thought I’d get to float the Colorado River through Grand Canyon, a dream fulfilled by my employer, The National Park Service. And then flying back over this vast landscape put it in perspective.
Celebrated Mike’s September birthday with another first, renting a boat on Lake Powell and seeing Rainbow Bridge.
Cottonwood Canyon, Buckskin Gulch slot canyon, Eagle’s Arch, Johnson Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, old movie set & Coral Pink Sand Dunes
My summer work season ends mid-October and a vacation was planned. But plans often go astray and because the new truck needed some pricey repairs the extended vacation covered less miles but was still a lot of fun.
Javelina, chipmunk, rabbit, scrub jay, home, quail & dove
November found me full circle and back to my winter home in Yarnell, Arizona. Back to watching the birds, wildlife and sunsets.
December brought change, at least the beginnings. A new haircut and starting the process of getting new teeth. Life usually slows down for me during my off-work season. That’s good because I have more changes to work on. And, as we all know, change takes time to adjust too.