Hi, This is Karen from Fabgrandma.com. I have been friends with Gaelyn since we worked together at the North Rim Grand Canyon. I was very shocked and surprised to hear that she had a fall on the job the other day, and broke BOTH wrists. She is not able to do things like type, feed herself, dress herself, and more. She asked me to let y’all, her loyal readers, know what happened, so that you wouldn’t worry if you don’t hear from her for a while.

Her boss at Bryce Canyon took her to the hospital in Kanab, Utah, where they put her under anesthesia and reset her wrists, and put them in temporary casts. They sent her home with a bottle of pain relievers with a child proof lid! Who does that sort of thing???
She will be going to a doctor in St. George, and is waiting for an appointment for surgery on her wrists. She’ll get new casts put on and then have a recuperation period of 4-6 weeks. Poor G! I will be sending good vibes and love her way until she gets better.
I will try to come back and update later on as I get more info. Until then, y’all show some commenty love here on the blog. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and we will try to answer them next time. We love you, Gaelyn!
P.S. my photos are nowhere as good as hers!
WTH??? Rim-to-Rim 5 times, but it took Bryce to take you down. Get well fast Gaelyn, we miss you already!
Thanks for stepping in Karen!
Thanks. i am down to one finger typing.
Oh, Gaelyn, I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. Wishing you the best in a speedy recovery. Hope you get in for surgery soon.
thanks. surgery next Tuesday.
Oh my goodness! That’s terrible! I am relieved to hear she is alive and has good friends around. I wish you all the best, Gaelyn! Much rest and recuperation for the foreseeable future
Gaelyn, I’m so sorry this has happened. One wrist would be bad enough, but two! I don’t think you have any relatives around there, so I’m guessing and hoping that people you’ve met at work or friends are helping you and you might need some hired help for a while. If this is a work injury, worker’s comp should help you out. Hopefully, your meds have helped with pain. Let us know as soon as you can how you’re doing. Thinking of you. Leslie
Oh my! You really did it THIS time 😜 Get well soon! Xox
bryce community is current helpful family. worker’s comp covering all. surgery tuesday.
That’s great that Bryce Community is helping you out. Good luck with your surgery and I hope you have a quick recovery and healing time.
So sorry to hear this! Hope you recover quickly. I have enjoyed your blog and photos for years and hope you are back to blogging soon. Take care.
thank you.
Damn! This is pretty serious. It isn’t hard to imagine the totality of this real disaster from dressing to personal hygiene. Texting and the blog are the least of it. To soon she will have to leave the park which brings up huge issues.
Those thumbs will learn new tricks, but they are handicapped, too. In sympathy and solidarity I will cut the thumbs off some old mitts and ‘try’ a day of living with your situation, Gaelyn. Note; TRY.
Hoping for your speedy recovery, Gaelyn, and no more related issues visited upon you, as this situation is just to much and will draw heavily on your depth of character. I’m sure you will persevere and once again climb into the saddle of life and ride on with appreciation and gratitude. The trails will be waiting for your shadowed presence.
thanks. sucks not being able to wipe my ass. 😉 i should be mostly mended by end of season mid october, i hope. thumbs and fingers are ok but very swollen. thanks for that effort. tape sticks to both arms from wrist to elbow.
Oh no! Gaelyn, this is so horrible. That is unbelievably tough. My heart goes out to you big time. Will be thinking of you often, wondering how you are and hoping for your speedy recovery. Lots of love. Debbie
Karen, thank you for being such a great friend to Gaelyn and also for keeping us informed! Much appreciated.
How awful! But thank goodness there are some wonderful friends to help her out. I hope recovery comes sooner that planned and with no other issues to overcome.
thank you.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, and sending positive thoughts your direction!!
thank you.
Sending you positive energy and prayers for a quick recovery. You will be in my thoughts Tuesday – good luck and take good care of yourself (as best you can). You are a strong person – you’ve got this, Gaelyn!
Thank you Karen for posting an update!
Thank you.
“TAKE THESE BROKEN WINGS AND LEARN TO FLY” . The lyrics from one of my favorite Beatles songs comes to mind, Gaelyn. You will fly again and we will all be better for it.
Gaelyn wishing you were closer so I could help. Hoping for a speedy recovery..
Oh my goodness Gaelyn, I am so sorry you have had this nasty fall. Don’t worry about blog posts or anything else for that matter ,The medication will help the pain I know, but don’t even think of doing anything until you are fully recovered.(not a lecture) but I know how this will get you down. Just rest and we will wait for your return.
Thank you Karen for letting us know.
thanks. good advice. no work for a while. but i can only sleep so much.
I can’t imagine how much your life changed in an instant. To loose all your independence, and for people like you and me, that’s huge. But know it is temporary at best, and your friend who is there helping you proves we are never alone. As I am here caring for my brother,I find him a pure joy. I know your friend is feeling the same towards you. You would make even this an adventure with your great sense of humor.Anyone would feel honored to help you in your times of need. I live you sister. Get well quickly.
i am back home at bryce. bill couldn’t handle it.
We are so sorry to see that this has happened, Gaelyn! The only positive is, your wrists prevented you from getting a head injury. Healing vibes coming your way. 💕
thanks. that’s true. did chip a denture tooth.
Oh no! Everybody’s worst nightmare. So sorry for your misfortune. Praying you heal quickly and can get back in the saddle of life sooner.
thank you.
Karen, thank you for letting us know. Good for you for helping out.
Gaelyn, do you get sick leave? Do you have healthcare from your employer? Oh, gosh.
i am covered under worker’s comp.
Take care, Gaelyn! Everyone is thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Gaelyn, I am so sorry to hear about this accident. How hard it must be for you to just do some basic self care even. I hope you can sort out some home help. I hope you are not in too much pain and your wrists will heal very fast. Thank you so much Karen for letting us know. Sending you lots of good wishes and hugs.
thanks. i am almost totally incapacitated with arms but not much pain right now.
We are in st. George. Besides empathy can we help with logistics? It seems to me you are going to have to move the rigs find an RV space etc. are you a skip? Maybe go to Livingston to Care. I am your age…my husband is a bit older. We don’t have a place to park your rig. I wish we did. Anyway how can we help?
thank you for the offers. i am safely in my 5th-wheel at bryce with work community help. surgery tuesday.
So sorry to hear about your accident. Praying for a speedy healing of your wrists.
thank you.
Gaelyn, this is devastating news. 🙁 So very sorry to see this, and we hope locals are able to assist you. Grateful Karen is stepping in to type the occasional updates. Again, hoping locals are reaching out and helping you. If needed, please set up a GoFundMe to help you financially. Hugs and prayers. We do look forward to your
One without normal use of fingers and hands cannot type, perhaps a friend of Gaelyn would help her by starting a go fund me…
thanks. the bryce community is helping and worker’s comp pays the bills and me.
…we look forward to your future adventures. They will come your way in a good way! 🙂
Oh, Gaelyn! If I was not scheduled for pre-op exam and spinal surgery, I would be packing bags and heading your way to take care of you and Sierra. The best I can do is pray for an early surgery date, successful surgery and a speedy recovery! You are so blessed to have Karen being your hands and caring about you. Thank you, Karen!
thanks. bless your heart. just take care of you. surgery tuesday.
So sorry to hear this. May you recover completely and swiftly!
thank you.
So sorry to hear about your accident. Karen, you are a special friend.
thank you.
Ouch and Ouch!! Here’s hoping she heals up quick. Anyway – thanks for the update on Gaelyn..I’ll be checking back.
thank you. surgery tuesday.
Oh no! Heal up soon. I hope the medical costs are covered br Workman’s Comp?
thanks. they are.
So very sad, I broke one wrist and that was bad enough. Take care Gaelyn, gentle hugs from us both. Get better quickly. Diane and Nigel
So sorry to hear of your setback! Travelling with Diane and Nigel and thinking of you! Mary and Michael
thanks. you all have fun.
thanks. surgery tuesday. guess i’ll heal.
So sorry to hear this. Can’t imagine not having the use of my arms. Hope the surgery goes well and that you heal quickly!
Oh Gaelyn NO. Both your wrists. No typing no camera. Good GRIEF!! Thanks so much to FabGrandma for letting us know. I sure hope the surgery is very very soon and the recovery is quick. I broke my ankle TWICE but can’t imagine not being able to use my hands. Hope FG will keep us posted on how you are coming along.
thanks. surgery tuesday. hope you are ok.
So sorry for this misadventure! I’m not as quick with my email as I thought apparently so I don’t know if your surgery was Tuesday or Is Tuesday! Either way, much love and all good wishes for a quick recovery! And as for typing with 2 fingers, you get used to it! I only have the one hand after the strokes and I have adapted. You are Much tougher than me! <3 <3 <3 8*)
thanks. not sure if i’m tough right now. i guess two fingers are better than none. you are an inspiration. this tuesday for surgery i hope.
Good morning,
I am glad you are feeling better. Having used the facilities I’ve got to tell you the hospital in St George is a very nice place with very nice people. It sounds like you have plenty of support in Bryce and it would be hard to pick better air to breathe , water to drink or views out the window as summer turns to fall. Best wishes. Again, we are in St George if you need any support from here. Regards, Mary
thank you, I will keep you in mind.
I have my thumb-less mitts hanging by my desk to remind myself of the granted capacity of strong wrists and digits working in cooperative unison.
‘Nature provides the immeasurable context, the felt, but incomprehensible treatise and breath taking magnificence of life.’_ aikiv
It _nature_ waits patiently for your return, Gaelyn. Even in healing, we call upon nature’s indispensible, extraordinary gifts. The timetable for your healed return to its forgiving breast known to it alone. It’s healing powers rely not on your counsel… only your spirited cooperation.
Hang in there kid. It will be a healed, thankful Thanksgiving, soon.
Thanks to Fab Grandma for telling us about your fall and breaks. I’ll certainly be thinking of you tomorrow as you go into surgery. I imagine you’ll be recuperating in Bryce through its closing? In an instant, our lives change and we must adjust and move forward. Ouch and Ouch you poor gal! I hope that the surgery goes well and once the casts are in place, the pain is minimal. Hugs to you Gaelyn (gentle ones). I told Bob, and he says, “Holy Sh–!”
Hoping for smooth and rapid recovery. What a rotten bit of luck.
Oh, no! How did your surgery go? How are your wrists?
Oh, I’m so sorry, Gaelyn, I know you were enjoying your summer so much. Best wishes for a smooth recovery.
Add me to your fan club (actually, I am already there) of well-wishers! What a bummer of a break (and no pun intended!)