This week’s Foto Friday Fun features images chosen by 10 readers including plenty of rock, water, and national parks.
Diane and Nigel chose #2007. When Pat visited the North Rim Grand Canyon in June 2014 we also took a trip to Zion National Park where this shot was taken. Nigel and Diane also visited Zion after the North Rim.
Gayle chose #1726. Because I’m a traveler I love long road shots, and think she will too. A rather long and lonely highway, SR89A runs along the Echo Cliffs just below Page Arizona.
Yogi chose #7762. My favorite animal (next to Sierra
). How could you not love elephants? And if you do a great place to watch them is Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Sherry and David chose #111. They love, and hug, trees as much as I do so should appreciate this giant rootwad seen in 1992 along the Quartz Creek trail in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington.
Sue chose #2002, a “watershed year” for her. Lower New Navajo Falls is part of the Havasu Canyon watershed on the Havasupai Reservation in Arizona. I hiked into that canyon with a fellow Ranger in April 2010. If you haven’t been there, go. Or at least follow the link and see for yourself the beautiful land of the green-blue waters.
Rita chose #6699. Tiny snails cling to the rocks high and almost dry between the rise and fall of the tide along the Waterfall Trail in Tsitsikamma National Park, South Africa.
Pam and John chose #2107. If they haven’t been to Toroweap already, I’m sure it’s on their list. Nowhere else can you see the Colorado River and this iconic 3000 foot drop view into the Grand Canyon. Just drive slow to get there.
Jeff chose #195, “the distance to the North Rim in your last photo and my guess where your road trip will take you.” Well I did ultimately end up at the North Rim. But I did not get this view looking down through the Bright Angel bridge crossing the Colorado River because you have to hike, or ride a mule, to the bottom to see this rather confusing view. This shot from my first rim to rim hike in 2008.
Pat chose #43, “the number of days until I leave to visit my daughter.” From 1981, when my step-daughter helped me staff my stained glass sales booth at a craft show in Hanover Park, Illinois.
Sallie and Bill chose #1970, “for the year of the sweaters.” (See last week) Even though this looks like warm desert there’s a very good chance I was wearing a sweater at Anza-Borrego in December 2014.
My choice this week is Sierra walking down a forest road away from our Marble View camp when I wasn’t sure I’d ever see her again. Maybe she was headed to our next destination.
Thank you for playing along with Foto Friday Fun which allows me to share these photographs and memories. Please join in next week by leaving a number between 1 and 9999 in your comment below.
Do you have a favorite this week?
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What a great set of photos and thanks for the memories. Glad Sierra came back 🙂 2702 for next week please. In haste as we are just going out. Diane and Nigel.
Thanks. You know how I love to share the canyon. Have fun.
We’ve seen many upended tree roots on our hikes. Much too hard to hug but so artistic as I find everything in nature. Love the light in your Zion picture. Love all things elephant. Fantastic shot of that outstanding view at Toroweap. Right now I’m emersed in waterfall hiking so today my very favorite is the gorgeous picture of the lovely Navajo falls. I’ll try #1 for next week.
Thanks. I wouldn’t try to hug a rootwad but love the sculptural shape. I envy you all those waterfalls. Not something seen frequently in the SW. #1 for you next week.
I no longer choose favorites from your post based on the prettiest, they are all rather amazing. But I choose based on something that catches me. This time it is the photo of Sierra. Glad she came back. I’m a cat person without a cat for the time being, and it might be a long time before I get another one if Mo has anything to say about it, which she does. Ha! So I will choose 2014, for the year my soul cat Jeremy left the planet. Hopefully that one hasn’t been chosen before. I can’t remember
Thanks. I am sometimes surprised how the oldies turn out. I’ve enjoyed both dogs and cats over the years, just not in a while. Sierra is a sweetheart, and sleeps most of the time as cats do. Have you down for #2014 for next week. Not usually a worry about numbers being chosen more than once as I have so many.
Thanks Sue. Some of those old shots are good and some, well not so good. Still fun memories. Sierra is getting better every day. Even let me put the harness on without me getting scratched. #2014 for next week.
Thank you for showing #1726. I HAVE been on hwy 89A going by those Echo Cliffs. I enjoyed the other photos, too.
You’re welcome. That is a beautiful drive. No number this week?
I love the big long shadow selfie of you at Anzo Borrego Park. I also can’t believe that you let the cat run loose, and I can’t believe she came back.
Take care!
I too love shadow selfies. The only time I look tall. Sierra has always gone in and out of the house in Yarnell. But while I’m in campgrounds that won’t happen. No number this week?
Nice variety of splendid photo’s here Gaelyn. Of course I love the one of the Colorado River and wonderful view into the Grand Canyon, its my favourite for this week. How I would love to see it for real. Oh well !! No 1089 for next weeks foto Friday please. Enjoy your weekend.
I will have a few more canyon shots to share soon. A place everyone should visit at least once if at all possible. #1089 for next week.
The places you’ve been!
My travel bucket list has always been, and still is, long.
I have to agree with others, there is not a favorite – all your photos are favorites. But most weeks one does reach out, and this week it is the Lower New Navajo Falls. I’ve planned twice to visit Havasu Canyon, but ….
I’d like 1332 next week for the upcoming meteor shower, which is courtesy of Swift-Tuttle with its 133.2 year orbit.
Thanks Jeff. With some of the old low quality photos it’s really about the memory. Havasu now has a website for applying for permits to stay in the canyon. Do it! #1332 for you.
Sierra does look like she thought she knew where she was going … but I sure am glad you caught up with her. The Desert in ‘our’ picture is fabulous …. dry is so beautiful there but so scary here in Oregon! 8139 is Bill’s birthday coming up soon — how ’bout that for a #.
Actually, I let her go on her own at Marble View and she found her way back. Even with some rain in Northern AZ we have lightning started fires around and too much smoke. #8139. Happy Birthday Bill!
Nice ones. I like the elephant; always partial to those amazing beasts. Put me down for # 731, today’s date, minus the year.
Thanks. I too am always partial to elephant shots. You get #731.