So at the end of May I got out to shoot the moon. I really need to plan ahead a bit more for full moon. Not like I don’t know it’s coming.
The night before full moon rise I got one phone shot. Duh, why didn’t I take the camera with me when visiting a nearby friend? The next morning’s moon set was way too early for me.
Then clouds got in the way that night which made for a decent sunset but obstructed the moon’s horizon rise.
Almost full moon rise above Kofa Mountains 1-29-18
I’ve certainly done better with much pre-planning like in January at the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge for the lunar eclipse. I am reminded of that as I’ve just finished labeling photos from January.
I use a couple of very convenient apps to help line up where the moon, or sun, will rise, or set. I especially like PhotoPills as it lines up to a real time horizon (what you actually see) and even shows where the Milky Way will be on any given date. It’s like looking into the future. Isn’t that a cool idea. Of course I rarely am up late enough to shoot the night sky. But new moon is this week so Maybe I’ll try.
Moon rise over the Kofa Mountains 1-30-18
Otherwise, practice makes better. So I’ll try to shoot the moon again at the end of the month. But sometimes clouds get in the way.
Maybe I should stick with sun setting instead.
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Thanks for the PhotoPills recommendation, Gaelyn! That could be helpful in planning when to get the telescope out. Nice work on the photos so far, as all I usually get is a white blob.
You’re welcome. It’s the only phone app I’ve ever paid for and although I’m still learning it’s potential I like it. Let’s keep practicing night sky shots.
That sun sparkle is what we all shoot for. Moon shots are nice, though. Especially that big soft rise over the Kofas
I figured out the sunburst a year ago but usually forget the camera’s hood so often get lens flare as well. I really need to get out after dark more frequently. Sadly, lacking motivation.
I’ve used Stellarium (free for the PC) for years to get an idea what will be out when and the general direction. It can also control my telescope … ok I can be lazy
But there is no way it would have helped capture that diamond ring flash of your sunset!
I started off with the free version of Photographers Ephemeris on my PC. Still lots to learn about PhotoPills. Didn’t need that for the sunburst though.
Hello Gaelyn! Enjoyed very much your photos of the Moon, clouds or no clouds. The photo of the sunset where you captured the Sun flaring, it looks like the Sun is being gobbled up by a huge lizard while a bird-like cloud formation hovers overhead.
Thanks George. I really like that boulder site next door for sunset. You are a pareidolia.
Your photographs are beautiful, and I have been captivated by your storytelling. Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing your story
Thank you Lisa for the lovely compliment. Seems we all have stories to share.
I laughed out loud at your title. I knew what you meant but that phrase is used for many other situations. One of them is a card game. Back to your fantastic moon pictures. I love every one. They really are wonderful That final sunset is outstanding. You need to submit that somewhere for something. Thanks for the info on Photopills My trouble with the moon too is that I’m up early for sunrise but not late enough for much of the moon’s show. Thanks for the compression sox suggestion. David does have them. His extreme elephantitis feet and ankles turned out to be from a drug they took him off of thankfully and his feet are pretty much back to normal.
Ah, yet another meaning for the phrase. Thank you for the compliment and persistence. You should go for moon sets in the morning. I love my stockings. Glad to hear he’s better.