After a week gathered with friends outside of Quartzsite it was time for the 2017 Blogger-Fest then off to the KOFA desert for a well earned quiet retreat.
Friday morning, even before coffee, I have to go outside into the bitter 31°F cold with wind to switch propane tanks. Seems it’s always poor timing. Yet I’m happy that five gallons of propane lasted two weeks. And that with six days of heating mornings and evenings with the oven, and yes a window cracked so I don’t kill myself. Two of our group moved into the Holiday Palm RV Park in town for a couple nights to recharge their tech, dump, fill, shower, and laundry at $65/night which is way out of my budget. But we planed to camp together again out on the KOFA in a few days. My plan A was to get up early so I could find a parking space by Tyson Wells and take a walk about, then hit town for chores. But the chill wind changed my mind. Will see what tomorrow brings.
Saturday I was on the road to town by 10am and it was almost 50°F. After getting propane and diesel I enjoyed that $7 for 20-minute shower of ultra hot water at the Main St Laundromat. Then off to find the Blogger-Fest located at the LTVA La Posa South, only a few miles from where I’ve been parked all week. I think the turn out was a little smaller this year. I’d guess 30-40 people plus dogs. Thanks to Lorne and Sue for organizing, and Shadowmoss for helping as well.
(Lorne, red shirt, does not have a twin)
Met a few bloggers I’ve known and followed for years plus a whole bunch of new folks. And although we all spoke about who we are, how long we’ve been RVing and blogging, I’m afraid I don’t remember many people’s names. There were a few in attendance that don’t blog but tend to read blogs, now newly called “blurkers” for blog lurkers. Most interesting to me was meeting Rhonda from Me the toad and the road who had found my blog the night before while looking for Blogger-Fest information. She taught choir at my Junior and High School while I was there. I don’t sing so never had her as a teacher, but still way cool.
Back to camp just in time for chili dinner made by Roy and Mary. Then a little time by the campfire before getting cold and going in.
No rush Sunday morning and as the sun rose so did the temperature, with only a light northeast wind. Turned onto Palm Canyon Road at noon with 5.6 miles of gravel to camp. I took it slow because the scenery was just too pretty to whiz past. John and Shirley had claimed a space the day before, not large or far from the gravel road that some folks do like to fly along kicking up rock and dust. Camping is restricted to pretty close to the road in order to spare the landscape of the KOFA National Wildlife Refuge. We’re only two miles from the end of the road where there’s a short trail into Palm Canyon to see the California fan palm, the only native species of palm tree in Arizona. Will be hiking that soon.
After parking and leveling with the most gorgeous of views I took a walk towards the KOFA Mountains, in and out of washes, past saguaros, avoiding cholla, and stopping for many photos. I found a semi-comfortable rock to just sit and absorb the sunny desert. Lovely warm almost 70°F and out of the wind down in the wash I was able to remove one layer.
The soft fuzzy looking jumping cholla shows buds. I think these are the mostly lovely, and dangerous, cactus on the desert. Sunshine makes them glow but the dense spines have barbed hooks that require pliers/tweezers to remove. Well named for the little arms that lay scattered around just waiting for an
unwary walker. As they die the interior skeleton is an interesting hollow wood full of holes. Ocotillo are just starting to push out leaves all along their twisted branches. A good sign there’s been a little rain.
The saguaros are few and spread far apart. They seem very young with not many arms as it takes 75-100 years before the first arm grows. The anatomy is fascinating with wood ribs their skeleton. I can only hope this is normal for the area and that we are not loosing a SW icon.
Late afternoon I saw a crazy shadow darkening Palm Canyon. Doesn’t it look like a dragon ready to eat whomever gets to the end of the road. I read that sunlight only gets to the Palm oasis briefly during mid-day.
I didn’t actually walk very far from camp, but that’s OK. I am literally surrounded by a spectacular desert garden as far as I can see.
Had cocktails with John and Shirley plus us gals did a jewelry show-n-tell that we didn’t quite finish as the sun went down followed by the temperature.
With no clouds the sunset wasn’t particularly dramatic although the light was delightful.
However, seeing the crescent moon set just above the fading color with Venus high above was pretty impressive.
And today dawns sunny and calm, so far. My friends went to meet another mutual friend in Quartzsite. She will be camping with us a few days. That will give us a car to pile into and drive up to the trail. Saves wear and tear on the truck campers we both drive. And in the meantime, I’m enjoying this warm, quiet desert retreat.
You still have one day left to enter and win a FREE photo print, greeting cards, or coffee mug. Look on the sidebar.
And there is Jim and Barb’s Daisy! 🐶
It looks like a lot of fun, good company, and great scenery.
Along with getting warmer, a perfect combination.
Love your second photo of Daisy and Dakota in the background:) I think Daisy has the most interesting face. The Blogger-FEst always seemed a little overwhelming with all those people.
Kofa is so nice place. We need to get back there and camp for a couple days.
Glad you are enjoying your time in the Q:)
Daisy is a cutie and I loved how she sat on a foot to avoid the cold concrete. I’m liking KOFA. Will be headed to Mesa on Wed. After a couple days there I will Need to have another desert fix.
The Kofas are truly a magical place. Especially liked those last 3 photos and loved the lighting in the third from last.
A gorgeous place with magical light and shadow. Hiked Palm Canyon today.
Love your sunset with all the folks gathered around and that’s a hilarious picture of the “not twins”. What fun to meet a teacher from your high school. She must have been not much older than her students. I think I’ll skip those 31 degree temps. Somehow I didn’t realize Quartzite temps got below freezing. Looks like a sweet spot at KOFA. “A semi-comfortable rock to just sit and absorb the sunny desert” sounds absolutely perfect. Great pictures of the cholla. Lovely and dangerous are right. They look so fluffy. Very interesting information. I sure hope there isn’t a problem. That last photograph sure makes your quiet desert retreat look like a paradise. That’s a framer for sure.
I was thinking the same thing about this teacher not being much older than her students. The weather is now superb, no more below freezing at least for a week. Now I’m in Mesa visiting with friends and it’s shorts weather. Go figure. Thank you for your lovely comments. I always look forward to them.
Nice “dragon” photo. Very unusual.
Thanks Donna. The light and shadows in Palm Canyon were amazing.
Looks like a great retreat. Gotta love the desert.
It was and I do.
Thanks for your further information on the KOFA palm canyon. I’m going to try to get up there (with my car, not my MH) in March, maybe.
Road is MH worthy for quite a ways. I haven’t driven to the end this year yet.