Stop to sniff the flowers, always a good idea. May be something good to eat. At least for an elephant. With a nose like this they should get quite a whiff. Elephants have a keen sense of smell, even better than dogs. Of course this one at Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa may have been sniffing for something other than flowers.
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I love the contrast of the colorful little flowers against the red dirt road – and the massive elephant just hanging out. What a great shot!
A great shot indeed Gaelyn. That red soil is so like our Outback, one of the reasons I love it so. We have hordes not herds of camels but no elephants. Communing with an elephant must be a glorious experience indeed . . . just daydreaming . . .
I could hang with elephants for days and more but seems that hordes of camels might be interesting too.
Did not know elephants had a keener sense of smell than dogs. Fascinating!
I love all of your wildlife photos – I can’t wait for the day I get to see an elephant in the wild!
Let me know when you want to go on safari.
That’s a great capture, Gaelyn. Who would have guessed that an elephant takes the time to sniff the flowers!
Well, he might have been sniffing for something else. But sure made a great shot.
What big ears it has! And – I like to think it’s sniffing the flowers.
Me too Barb.
Wonderful shot!
What a great picture! I will think of it every time I hear, “stop and smell the flowers”.
Rather fun isn’t it?
Wonderful pic.
I wonder if elephants have allergies… hope not 🙂
LOL. But guess I shouldn’t laugh. How terrible to have hayfever in a nose like that.
He was probably smelling it to decide if it would taste good. Hahahaha. Looks like plumbago which a lot of Europeans would recognize. They grow it in pots in greenhouses while here it grows wild.
So will they actually eat the plumbago?
Oh my gosh! I love love love this photo. I want to believe it was just for the flowers because that just is too sweet for words.
Thanks Sallie. Elephants are so amazing to watch, they are tender with each other and oh so obviously intelligent.