Elephants require on average 50 gallons (192 liters) of water a day. During dry spells when water holes and rivers dry up elephants dig for water in the sand until they reach ground water.
We were in the vehicle sitting on a bridge, thus the green bridge rail, and you can see the elephants sniffing us.
If you look closely there is water in this hole.
Aw, that’s amazing, Gaelyn! Than ks for sharing this!
Was totally amazing to watch.
Nice interrpretive moment. Well Done.
Thanks Nancy.
Very interesting!
Love the way they let the little ones drink first. Thank you so much for this delightful video although I would prefer the elephants to have ample water instead.
Ironically, there was plenty of water in the dams and most rivers.
What a thrill again to watch these animals going about their lives. I had no idea they needed that much water per day or that they would dig for it in the sand or that it was so close to the surface that they could. You are really improving my education. Can’t thank you enough.
Lots of new learning for me too.
Informative…..never thought about their having to dig for water/
Darn smart critters.
Such a lot of work for needed water. I did not know they would (or had to) do this.
Surprisingly there was water available in the area but they need a lot to keep on the move.
It is amazing how elephants know where the water is and can smell it. Strange that they were digging for water with so much rain and water around
Yes there was plenty of water around so we were surprised too.
Digging for water! Well that’s what we should do too…
We are spoiled, they are not.