This week’s Foto Friday Fun features 10 images chosen by readers picking a number out of my photo archives. Thank you for bringing up some low number memories from a past I’d almost forgotten when I dug into an old external drive.
Arija chose #89, “a number that so often has been or been part of the number of various places we have lived in.” This chipmunk must be one of my neighbors as it comes around the feeder where I live.
Yogi chose #2, “just cuz.” Seems an appropriate choice for this week as the world morns the passing of Nelson Mandela. This art piece along the Route 67 Art project in Port Elizabeth, South Africa shows the people following Mandela to the first voting line for all that occurred in 1994.
Sherry chose #361. I know she likes to visit unusual places like the Gold King Mine Ghost Town where this smoke belching dragon does its thing when the old saw mill is cranked up.
Melissa chose #31, “the age my daughter will be if she has her first baby on my brother’s birthday!!” Way back in 1992, I prayed to survive this hike and make it to my next birthday. As part of Ranger training staff hiked into the crater of Mount Saint Helens to the then smaller dome. No real worry about eruption but every time a rock fell we all jumped just a little. This is a view into the Toutle River valley still looking pretty desolate even 12 years after the mighty eruption. Plus not the best quality camera at the time.
Jo chose #7 for a day last week when, “something good is supposed to happen in the Hedges household.” And it did. Good for me last year when a fellow blogger helped me find an inexpensive solar filter for my camera in time to take photos of the partial, or annular, solar eclipse. This is just one of the series I took but you can see them all here.
Dell chose #5 and is new here so I welcome him and hope he’ll introduce himself. Does it look like there’s a problem here? Back in 1996 major floods occurred on the south side of Mount Saint Helens and all three roads to where I volunteered washed out. All us volunteers were helicoptered out leaving our vehicles and belongings behind for 2.5 months until this washout over the Lewis River was the first to be repaired.
Diane chose #222 for no reason. She’s in the UK right now so I know she’s not getting a view like this of Sky Island and the Colorado River from Walhalla overlook. But that’s OK, because we can only dream of this summer view being the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park is closed for the winter.
Bibi chose #66, “what I’ll be next year.” Long before she was born Mormons traveled through America’s Southwest and built Lee’s Ferry crossing over the Colorado River and lived on their remote Lonely Dell Ranch. Don’t the colored layers above the cabin look like a birthday cake?
Sallie chose #6, “It is my lucky number.” Don’t know how lucky it would be to meet up with one of these. But this porcupine, named Spike, was actually friendly to us animal keepers at the California Living Museum in Bakersfield, California. He really seemed to like to have his velvet soft nose scratched.
Firefly chose #13, “cause I think the number rocks. Even if others think its unlucky.” I’ll bet he’s seen this before but I consider myself very lucky to have seen an elephant taking a dust bath in Kruger National Park South Africa.
My choice is a recent sunset over the Weaver Mountains in Yarnell taken through my RV window.
Thank you for joining in Foto Friday Fun. I really enjoy digging through my archives and pulling the stories from my memories. To join in the fun for next week leave a number between 1 and 700 in a comment and maybe see your chosen image next week.
Do you have a favorite from this week?
Look for other photos posted on Geogypsy Facebook page not usually seen here.
I love Jonker’s number 13 choice. It’s my favourite number (I was born on Friday 13th and today is Friday 13th! ) and I love elephants. What an amazing photo you took of the moon with the filter. That’s my favourite today. I choose number 7 as it was the day the foster cats reached their first owner’s home in SA. Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo xxx
Happy lucky 13 Friday. I think elephants are many people’s favorite. It’s mine. Have you down for 7.
Great photos again! Love that sunset. What a view out your window. I can’t believe 2.5 months with no car. 3 roads washed out. Good grief how did you get around? I’d love to read that story. I’ll take number 611 please.
Don’t know why I haven’t written that full story. Guess it will be in my autobiography. Thank goodness I had friends to help me get around. Have you down for 611.
Whoa, I love the shot you picked for me, all the pictures are great. The old cabin near Lee’s Ferry is my favorite.
I’m goign with 666. Just cuz I want to see what the devil’s photo is going to be.
Are you ready to move in to the little cabin in the middle of nowhere? Have you down for 666.
Again, a wonderfully diverse collection. The elephant video rocks!!! To chose a favourite would have been really hard for me except for the fact that we had a tame chippy in my inlays summer place in VT. I do miss them here so much so that just has to be my favourite.
But just between you and me, that bathing beauty snuck in to share first place.
For next week, if I may, I’d like 365 in the hope that I will still be around tip then.
Don’t think this chippy is tame but sure is fun to watch its antics on the feeder. Have you down for 365.
I love my “birthday cake rock” cabin, the moon, and Spike. Great photos, all. Also, I too have crystals hanging at a window.
I’ll choose 666 for next week, the devil that I am.
Glad you like the ‘birthday cake’ rock. Crystals are so fun. I love the rainbows dancing in my house. Have you down for 666.
Love my photo, I am going to sit and and take that in. The UK is cold and very wet and I need to be able to dream. Love to porcupine what a fab photo. Again for no particular reason 699. Have a good week Diane
Glad the canyon can bring a little sunshine into your life. Have you down for 699.
Sometimes I feel just as prickly as Spike (but not as cute) so he was a great choice for my #! So hard to choose a favorite, because of your wonderful diversity of interests. The Mandela art work is a fitting tribute and of course so timely. I love the birthday cake rocks and the elephants… and hearing the story of your time on Mt St Helens, wow, what a thing. Of course we knew about the floods, living not all that far away. Love the whole post.
If you have room I will take #350…because I so often like the middle of the road choice.
Thanks Sallie. Life is full of diversity. The coolest thing about the floods was the helicopter rides. Where were you then?
Have you down for 350.
#5. Sorry about the confusion. I am a she. My Mom gave me the name of Idell and who wants that one?
I do have a blog but keep it private because it is more like a family photo album…all pictures. I thought people could see my profile at least. Sorry. I really enjoy your blog.
Thanks for straightening me out Dell. Sorry for my mistake. Everyone is welcome here. I hope you’ll stick around. And do feel free to pick a number for next week if you’d like.
While I certainly enjoyed all your wonderful images, my Mount Saint Helens photo is my favorite. I feel like it is a sign from my Unk Rees who lived in Tacoma, WA at the time of Mount Saint Helen’s eruption. I even have a glass bottle of ash he sent from the big eruption. My grandson is a “hot Lava” nut and his little head almost spun when we saw the eruption video and then he got to touch some of it’s ash!!! Fun times.
Unk Rees was born 12/29/29 so I have to choose the number 29 in his honor. .Thank you!! 8*)
That’s some awesome video. Nice to hear your grandson is into science. In honor of Unk I have you down for 29.
Every shot excellent. Nice to see some pics around Mt. St. Helens. MB