This week’s Foto Friday Fun includes 7 images chosen by readers picking a number out of my photo archives. A lot of birth years chosen for this week. Tried to find year numbers to match, but some are before my time and I’m missing quite a few years of my life in photographs.

Jo chose #1953, “the year I was born.” This image of the dragonfly comes from Jo’s neighborhood in South Africa along the Echo Ravine trail in Golden Gate Highlands National Park. Maybe next year’s visit I’ll get to see her again near here.

Yogi chose #1998, “the year son was born.” In September of that year these puppies were born to Motsy and my dog Carson. This is when I was living and working at Eagles Cliff Resort in Washington. No problem finding wonderful homes for all these cuties.

Diane chose #1947, “My husbands date of birth.” My parents were married on January 3 of that year. They were together for 61 years. Me not being quite 60 years old and single/divorced has a hard time imagining being married that long. Yet my hat is off to any that can.

Elaine chose #1973, “my daughters birth year.” I graduated from High School the year before that. This photo was taken of me by a dear friend at White Pines State Park, Illinois in 1973.

Sherry’s visiting daughter Carrie chose #1241. Which takes us on a drive across the meadows on the Kaibab Plateau leaving the North Rim.

Firefly chose #2000 which is a pretty, yet unidentified, flower seen along Echo Ravine trail in Golden Gate Highlands National Park not that far from where he lives in South Africa. So get the family out there. And maybe even ID that flower.

Arija chose #1240 showing a small summer pond on the meadows. The meadows change so much during my six month season. I’ve seen them buried under snow in the spring, covered with wildflowers during summer and browning out in the fall yet dotted with mule deer.

My choice this week shows how life returns from the ravages of the Yarnell Fire. The burnt oaks are rather sculptural and some may have survived but we probably won’t know for sure until spring. An Arizona wildflower seed mix was dropped on the nearby burnt hills to hold soil during the monsoon rains and I’m seeing flowers never seen here before.
Thank you for joining in Foto Friday Fun. I really enjoy digging through my archives and pulling the stories from my memories. To join in the fun for next week leave a number between 20 and 200 in a comment and maybe see your chosen image next week.
Do you have a favorite from this week?
Look for other photos posted on Geogypsy Facebook page not usually seen here.
nice variety of shots. 🙂
I really enjoy the pictures every Friday. I think the last one of Yarnell has the most impact on me. Just because of the impact it had on so many people. Nature may be coming back, but a lot of people will still be impacted for a long time to come.
I’d like to have #13 for next week. An unlucky number for most but my fav number.
I find the landscape starkly beautiful. But yes, still major impact. Have you down for 13.
The dragonfly is my favorite this week though I loved seeing that great picture of your parents. What a wonderful idea to drop wildflower seeds. May they be fruitful and multiply to provide stability and beautiful pictures. I’d like #836 please.
It is very interesting to see all the previously unseen flowers around the burn. Have you down for 836.
The Yarnell Fire shot is frightening. I love the Dragonfly image which you photographed in Echo Ravine. I love your parents’ wedding photo; you look like your mum! Great post, as usual Gaelyn. I would like number 61 – I’m heading for that age in 2014. (((hugs))) Jo
I find the fire landscape rather beautiful in its own way. Not sure I want to look like my Mom, but what can you do. Have you down for 61.
That is a fabulous photo of your parents Gaelyn. Glad that did not get lost on the fire! Guess I will go for 71 following Jo’s lead. My next birthday!!!!
Sure glad I scanned photos so I still have the one of Mom and Dad, amongst others. Have you down for 71.
Thanks for sharing the pic of the aftermath of the Yarnell fire. Hopefully the trees can survive. My favorite is the blue dragonfly. 🙂
I will go for #164, just because!
There is a stark beauty in Yarnell. Have you down for 164.
Howdy Gaelyn,
All of your pics are great and I love your recollections of them…
Hope every one of yours is a HAPPY DAY !!!!
My # is 173 for why I don’t know !!!
Thanks. Have you down for 173.
You have such a lot of lovely memories tied into these pictures Gaelyn.
That’s a lot of what photography is for me, the memories.
I really love the puppies you picked for me. I’m glad you got them homes.
My favorite is water on the meadow.
For next week, how about 197? It just popped in my head.
I wanted to keep all the puppies but knew better.
The meadows are so beautiful in all seasons.
Have you down for 197.
Love ’em all and thank you for my meadow and puddle. Just been looking at ours and thinking it is time to shift the cattle across the road while the grass is still green.
Mindful of my own loss, I pick your choice. Things do regenerate and all the precious things and mementos we loose at least leave the memory of having had them behind. Perhaps the boost to memory that old things provide is gone but we still remember. This last week Sydney was ringed by massive fires with the loss of over 100 houses, exhausted and hospitalised firemen. So summer starts in spring and we make ready for another massive fire season..
For next week, may I have 77? Yep, I have reached three score years and seventeen, aren’t I lucky?
Fire is such a strange and eerie event. I’m still sifting through the ashes. May you and all you know and don’t know be safe this fire season.
Have you down for 77.
I enjoyed the photo of you you chose for me, getting down with nature even then. The new wildflowers popping up give hope of rejuvenation. It’s amazing how well nature does that. I’ll chose 57, our high temperature for the last two days, and likely the last we’ll see in the 50s for a good like time.
I amazed how many flowers are up everywhere but Yarnell did get a good, but not too heavy monsoon. Have you down for 57, which seems unseasonably high. We made it to a pleasant 70 today.
I love that pic of your Mom and Dad and that shot of you reading in the grass. That pic is so 70’s….the coloring and everything. Are those mesquites in Yarnell? If they are, they will be back and green again:) Mesquite trees rarely die from fires. They will come back up again:)
Most of the burnt Yarnell trees are oak with a bit of manzanita. Some of the big oaks show green and will send out root shots. Otherwise we wait until spring.
No number this week?
Wonderful images, GL. Like many others I like the dragonfly but also the winding road through the park. I love winding roads and also straight roads. I like roads no matter what—I love to roadtrip. Did plenty of hiking over the ranch this past weekend too. How about I choose 46 the age od my oldest. MB
Road trips are the best. Glad you got out hiking at the ranch. Have you down for 46.