This week’s Foto Friday Fun includes 7 images chosen by readers picking a number out of my photo archives. I’m no whiz at numbers but what do you suppose the probability of three readers choosing the same number, 666, unless the devil made them do it?

Diane was the first to choose #666 just off the top of her head. This view of Grand Canyon is from the top looking at Mohave Point overlook along the Hermit Road on the South Rim.

Sherry chose #67. I know she likes to visit historic houses so believe she will enjoy this room view at Scotty’s Caste in Death Valley National Park. Because Bessie Johnson spent a lot of time in her bed this custom drop down desk top worked well for her plus she could enjoy her basket collection. The entire estate is filled with brilliant innovations and energy saving devices.

Yogi also chose #666, “because that is one of my favorite non prime numbers.” But I also suspect there’s a little devilishness to him as well. I think the faces on these hand-carved walking sticks may look a little mischievous. How would you describe them? The sticks were lined up and ready for use at Wickenburg Gold Rush Days.

Cheryl chose #777, “since I’m boondocking at a casino.” Hope she’s having as much luck there as I did watching the full moon rise directly over Cedar Mountain from Cape Royal on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. Just one of many perks working here.

MaryBeth chose #999, “just because it is one super cool number.” (Are we seeing a pattern here?) This kind of snowy landscape at my winter home in Yarnell is super, yet I’m glad it doesn’t typically last very long because I’m more into ‘cool’ than cold.

Bibi chose #666 admitting, “I’m feeling devilish.” And now has me totally wondering about my readers. Some people equate Raven to the devil. I see them as a most awesomely smart bird. Did you know that ravens can identify humans as individuals? Better treat them nice, or cover your windshield.

Sandee chose “MY lucky #13!!” I felt more than lucky capturing images of a solar eclipse as a newbie to my Nikon D5100 guessing on settings and using a solar filter.

My choice this week is dedicated to my dear friend Arija who loves all things of life and recently lost her long-time husband. May the dark clouds of life only hover briefly opening our eyes to the brilliance of the world. Carry all the memories close to the heart.
Thank you for joining in Foto Friday Fun. I really enjoy digging through my archives and pulling the stories from my memories. For next week leave a number between 25 and 2000 in a comment and maybe see your chosen image next week.
Which one is your favorite from this week?
Remember to check out the Geogypsy Facebook page for more photos.
Great pics, especially all the 666 images.
Next week is getting close to the anniversery of Sweetie and I so I kind of like 1989, the year we were married.
Thanks you little devil. You are down for 1989 and congrats.
Oh I didn’t know Arija’s lost her husband. I will mail her straight away. Thanks Gaelyn. I wonder that I didn’t comment last week? Probably we were off-line, had a power-outage or no Internet access! Have a great weekend. My number for next week is 1999, being a terrible year in my life. Thank God I need never go back there and I believe you will come up with a wonderful photo bearing that number. BTW I love your moon eclipse. You are a BRILLIANT photographer! Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo
Wondered what happened to you last week. You are down for 1999 and I’ll make it a beauty. Thanks.
Good Morning Gaelyn,
Hope you are feeling better. Your photography is one of the hi-lites of my day. I want to print and frame them all. Keep up the great work.
Thanks Rosemary. No number to join in next week’s fun?
All shots extremely COOL. Like you I would rather be cool than cold. Thanks for the neat shot. Ravens are extremely smart and maybe that is why they could be a little devilish.
I shall pick # 95 the age my Mother was when she went on her final journey. Smile! MB
Thanks MB. I love watching the Ravens. Have you down for 95.
I’ve always wanted to visit Scotty’s Castle and now I really want to see those beautiful baskets in person. As usual, I also love the 3 Grand Canyon pics. It’s amazing how not a one of them every looks the same. I think I’ll choose 1968 for next week. That was the year this Ohio girl first saw the Atlantic Ocean. It was love at first sight. I never returned to Ohio.
I highly recommend Death Valley and the Castle, just not in the middle of summer. Have you down for 1968 and I don’t blame you for choosing the Atlantic over Ohio.
Ha ha it seems we all have a bit of the devil in us 🙂 Think my picture though is the best. This week I will go with 1943, the year I was born, making a break fro the car models for a bit. Have a good Sunday Diane
Have you down for 943.
Well, ravens definitely have it in for my windshield. I’ve taken to street parking where there are no trees above… Thanks for the raven anyway! I just love the walking sticks. I bought one in Haridwar, India, last trip, but it doesn’t have a face….
How about # 1996, which will be my number of posts on that day?
Watch out for Ravens, they are super smart. Have you down for 1996. Congrats on the number of posts.
So impressed with the solar eclipse picture…and love the perfect picture for Arija, who is in my thoughts as well. Too late to pick a number again…we were away Friday.
I even impressed myself taking eclipse shots. You can pick a number through Wed if you’d like.
OK if it isn’t too late I will pick 311. Because that’s what the clock on my computer says at this exact moment.
Have you down for 311.
Personally I find the devil much more interesting than the other make believe character:) If we didn’t have a little 666 in each of us, we’d be rather dull and lifeless people. Love your solar eclipse shot:) Most excellent.
Thanks Chris. I agree about the make believe characters.