This week’s Foto Friday Fun includes 6 images chosen by readers picking a number out of my photo archives.
Firefly chose the random number 702. Last week his photo choice was a hyena, which he’s never seen even though he lives in South Africa. But I know he’s seen plenty of elephants at Addo Elephant National Park near where he lives, although this elephant was seen in Kruger National Park.
Cheryl chose #777 because, “I’ll never get this number on a slot machine.” Well a little over that many years ago the Ancestral Puebloans (formerly called the Anasazi) lived and farmed on the Walhalla Plateau and this is what remains of a small community. This site is accessible to visitors on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
Melissa chose #666 because, “it really is his [husband] birthday!! June 1966 and yes, I did rob the cradle by 6 years! We joke about both all the time.” Ravens are the true robbers around Grand Canyon, and elsewhere. A member of the Corvid family, they are exceedingly smart and even know how to open zippers if there’s food involved.
Barb chose #90 because, “my f-i-l is visiting us and that’s his age!” I bet you’ll be able to show your f-i-l wildflowers like this right in your backyard. These almost stunted looking blooms are found at high elevation all over the Kaibab National Forest. I saw these at Marble View a few years back and bet they are blooming there now as well.
Diane chose #899 as she’s “Running out of Porsche models.” This lizard is stream lined like some Porsches and even shows some flashy color. I spotted it at one of the few overlooks in Kruger National Park where you can get out of your car. Guess no one was worried about lizard attacks.
Arija chose #707, “the room my poor Prof is stuck in in the nursing home. Being a meteorologist, he also had a pilot’s licence though not for 707s. He used to take groups of students up over a variety of terrains so they could experience the fact that the atmosphere is very dynamic and can toss a small plane about like a cork in a bucket.” Now that’s the kind of Prof to inspire students.
This father and son team of Hopi dancers demonstrated tossing and creating patterns with the hoops. They have performed many times at the North Rim’s Native American Heritage Days coming up on August 8 & 9.
Thank you for playing along with Foto Friday Fun. It’s so much fun to dig through my archives and pull the stories from my memories. This week changing it up a bit and asking you to choose a number between 1954, the year I was born, and 2013. Let’s see where this takes us. Leave your number in a comment and maybe see your chosen image next week.
Which one is your favorite from this week?
Thank you Gaelyn. He certainly impressed students, one of his stunts for first years was to put a gas flame under an open 44 gallon drum. At a given time he got a student to put a lid on and turn the gas off. By the end of the lecture the 300 or so students had forgotten all about it when with a almighty bang the drum imploded. They never forgot that air expands when heated and shrinks when cooled.
Love all the pictures, especially mine. I have longed for a long time to meet some of your First People wise women.
This tie my favourite has to be the elephant, to have one come towards one on a highway must be one of the ultimate thrills.
If you grant me yet another pick, I would like 1983, the year of the Ash Wednesday wild fire and the loss of all we had achieved in 25 years of marriage. No, I am not looking for sympathy but eternally grateful for yet another lesson of letting go. We all have to do it at the end and when you have had some practice, it is so much easier to look forward to the new journey than hanging on to material possessions.
What a great way to teach. I would have liked to have your Prof as a teacher.
Wish you could be here for the next Native American Heritage Days. You’d love it.
Seems the animals in Kruger, and other wildlife parks, like to use the open roads. Is rather exciting to see them coming at you.
Have you down for 1983.
I think I already used 1958, my year of birth, so I will go with 1981, the year of my marriage and see where that takes us.
The photo of the elephant reminds me of one of our encounters … but ours was in Botswana. We quietly waited it out, as it took its sweet time munching on vegetation as it came in our direction before veering off the road so we could get by.
It certainly is a thrill to see the animals coming so close. Have you down for 1981.
That first photo is fantastic but I love the lizard as well. These numbers are getting difficult, can’t use my year of birth, beat you by 11 years. How about our new neighbour who is only two weeks old and born 2013.
It is so awesome to see the wildlife in South Africa so close, big or small. Have you down for 2013.
I love the elephant walking down the road. Reminds me of how the buffalo take over the roads in Yellowstone.
Yea, instead of a buffalo jam in South Africa I saw elephant, zebra, giraffe and even lion jams.
I love my photo – and have a great interest in ancient civilizations in the Southwest!
If you need another player next week I choose 1987. It was the year I was 35 and the favorite year of my life so far. I was young, adventurous, and somewhat daring!
I think you’re still young, adventurous and daring. Have you down for 1987.
Love these photos, especially the critter ones and more especially the elephant. I’d rather be behind it than in front of it.
Okay—1965, the year I fell in love for the first time.
Sometimes we had to back up the truck to get out of an animals way.
Have you down for 1965 and still waiting to hear about this first love.
You are a woman of great courage and I love reading your adventures. I pick 2013 because my daughter just had her 57 th birthday and we spent it in Carmel, Ca
Thank you Dell, I like adventures. Have you down for 2013.
Great pic of the Hopi dancers. Is that a Paintbrush – I saw some just starting on a hike this week, and I have 2 that self-seeded in my front yard. I’m choosing 1962 – my graduation from high school back in the Stone Age
You should come see them in person during Native American Heritage Days. I figured you’d be seeing some of the same blooms as at the North Rim. Have you down for 1962, a very good year.
I’m for sure going to get my pick in this week. I choose 1954 because I’m really glad you were born. I can’t even imagine being somewhere that Elephants walk toward me and I get caught in a lion jam. Oh SIGH! I’ve seen the Native Dancers at the Grand Canyon they are wonderful and the hoop dance is just amazing. Love your picture. Sure beats the ones I took. Were you in the front row? At 5’0″ I always have trouble taking pictures in crowds.
Luckily when the Native Dancers come to the North Rim it’s not too terribly crowded so pretty easy to take photos but of course always visitors in the shots.
Have you down for 1954, thank you.
Very cool shot all. I love the Indian dancers. When we were in Arizona last year we went to some dances and wated the dancers and flute players. Just great. MB
I especially like the drumming and flute music.
It’s difficult to choose. You have so many nice entries for this week. I think I would go for #666. That raven shot is good. It reminds me of a Japanese painting.
I too see the raven shot as very Japanese looking. This weeks number choices are between 1954 and 2013. Want to pick another number?
I’m so praying for the people, animals, and structures of Yarnell and Peeples Valley. Such a beautiful place.
You are correct. I love elephants and Addo Elephant National Park is one of my absolute favourite places. This Saffa boytjie however has never been to Kruger and I would loooooovvvvveeeee to have the opportunity to go and see it.
Its good to see all the comments today and lots of numbers, so if there is still a gap, my number is 1975 which is also my birth year.
You really do need to get to Kruger. Have you down for 1975.
Gaelyn . . . I’m so sorry for the devastation of the town of Yarnell and hope you are okay and in a safe place. Those who care about you are very concerned. Sue
Thank you Sue. I am safe at the North Rim. Friends were evacuated. The saddest is the loss of the 19 firefighters.