A wonderful practice looking back at the year 2012. Taking inventory. What worked and didn’t. What changes were made and what more to work on. Was feeling like I hadn’t done anything much, but turns out I was busy. It wasn’t all good but it certainly hasn’t been the end of the world.
January lured me back to one of my favorite places in the world, Grand Canyon National Park. I attended the 3rd Grand Canyon History Symposium where I learned from many canyon historians and toured the historic boat collection plus slipped in many trips to the rim in between. Snow at the canyon is a treat for this summer seasonal.
February warmed up enough in the lower desert to enjoy walking around at the annual Gold Rush Days in Wickenburg just down the hill from where I winter. Always a lot of creative arts and crafts to tempt the pocketbook plus carnival rides and western foods. Then for a special treat, Berta and I took a little trip to Laughlin, not to gamble, but enjoyed the hot tub and buffets.
March brought a month of new. I met some fellow bloggers who camped out in the desert just down the hill. RVSue tows her little Casita with crew Spike and Bridget sharing her adventures. And Kelly, Al and Pheebs from the Bayfield Bunch were also boondocking in the area. Due to the dusty wind all four adults plus three dogs had a great visit in Sue’s little trailer.
I bought my first DSLR camera and love the quality of the images. Now if I’d just take the time to learn what all this smarter than me camera can do. Of course a new camera also meant accessories which were purchased throughout the year.
At the end of the month, and on my birthday, I launched the new website with post #1000. The new blog has taken off very well and I plan to continue posting more travel pieces, if I ever get out of the house and off the computer.
The end of April I headed back to my seasonal Park Ranger job at the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. Although I relish my winter of no work, I’m always excited to return in the spring. Yet I wasn’t very happy about being towed in to Flagstaff and all the truck troubles that ensued. Even more disappointing was getting sick and not hiking rim-to-rim with my fellow Rangers.
May kicked off the beginning of several interesting astronomical events and I wanted to test out my skills with the new camera. Due to a time glitch on my part I missed the actual rise of the Perigee Super Moon by several minutes yet have to say I wasn’t that impressed. The superest moon I’ve seen was in Mexico from a bus with no camera, a long time ago. However the Annular Solar Eclipse more than made up for that disappointment. So glad I came up with an inexpensive solar filter and a borrowed tripod to capture this amazing experience through 100s of photos.
The Venus Transit in June moved a little too slow for me to catch it all and especially as it was still pretty cool at 8000 feet on the North Rim. A week and a half later everyone still wore jackets for the Grand Canyon Star Party yet the combined energy of people and telescopes under clear skies had everyone enthralled.

Due to the low snowpack from the previous winter explorations into remote areas came early. Every season I try to get out and discover more about the surrounding area. My maps continue to be highlighted with pink lines on the roads I’ve traveled. Another way of looking back over time.
Nothing kicks off July better than the North Rim’s answer to fireworks bans in national parks, the 4th of July water parade. Everyone gets to participate even from the “dry” zone. The National Park Service, Wranglers and concessionaire Forever Resorts employees fancy up their vehicles and mules with the red, white and blue. Then grab the water pistols, free to the kids with giant barrels full of water around the Lodge parade route for quick reloading.
Western Arts Day mid-month entertained visitors and staff. Cowboys, and girls, are part of the history of the northern Kaibab Plateau. Demonstrations by artisans and mountain men shared on the lawn by the Lodge. Between the foot-stomping music and cowboy/girl poetry the entire day was a Hoot.
Because I finally own a 4×4 truck I ventured out to Point Sublime, an appropriately named Grand Canyon overlook. The drive over rutted narrow roads is not for the feint hearted, or low clearance vehicles. Yet the view…
August displayed some of the best monsoon thunderstorms and much needed rain which brought out loads of wildflowers and mushrooms. This year, for the first time, I relished this rainy season that displayed some most amazing sunsets and lots of photo opportunities.
I met several fellow bloggers who ventured up to the North Rim. The Good Luck Ducks boondocked outside the park in the adjacent Kaibab National Forest driving their towed into the park almost daily. I know they saw the canyon yet also spent a lot of time at the WIFI hotspot by the camp store. One day we loaded into my truck for the remote canyon views from Crazy Jug Point.
Plus Chuck & Geri visited on the weekend of Native American Heritage Days and even though Geri was feeling under the weather we managed to have a wonderful time overlooking the canyon from several drive-to sites. Many native peoples helped visitors celebrate their heritage at Grand Canyon through song, dance and art displays.
The monsoon thunderstorms continued through September occasionally filling the canyon with clouds. But the highlight of the month was flying to Chicago for my 40th High School Reunion, my first one. I met so many people I didn’t know or remember and had a wonderful time. Plus got lost in my old neighborhood and went hiking in one of my favorite natural places, Starved Rock State Park.
On the way back to the North Rim after Chicago the beginning of October I met up with a fellow Ranger and we camped at Toroweap. This incredibly remote and difficult to get to site within western Grand Canyon National Park offers an iconic view of the canyon yet is not seen by many. We also went hiking to the intriguing Nampaweap rock art site.
November was a month of indecision. Early winter is always a time of quiet for me, to regroup after a busy summer, to look inside and around. Yet I usually take some little trips in the area and that didn’t happen this year because of my truck troubles. I sat at home working on travel plans at first focusing on Costa Rica then changed my mind to return to South Africa.
It really does feel like I’ve done nothing in December but that’s not true because I’ve been researching and making the plans for my winter travels. Plus my computer is conveniently located to watch the birds. Enjoyed a warm and friendly Christmas dinner and look forward to a quiet and early to bed New Year’s Eve, as usual.
What have I learned from this past year? Mostly, to make every waking minute count, be with those you love and let them know it. The world didn’t end, maybe we can all look forward to some new beginnings.
What do I see the new year bringing? Well, January was suppose to start with my first blogger conference in Las Vegas at NMX formerly Blog World. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen but on the up side I sold my early-bird ticket so someone else will get to attend. I hope to travel more and experience new places, people and activities. At the end of April I return to the North Rim of Grand Canyon, unless budget cuts eliminate my job. I have a lot of personal improvements to make like being more patient with myself and others, ask for help when needed, face the fears that come from my past to haunt my future, and continue to write and take better photos to share with all of you.
Thank you all for following, commenting and just plain reading. You make Geogypsy continue to happen.
Happy New Year!
Capturing the present for future memories of the past.
This is just a wonderful summary Gaelyn and I am so happy to see all of your beautiful photographs. Best of wishes to you in this New Year!
Thanks Sherry. Happy New Year!
Great to see your year in summary form. Some lovely photos here and I particularly love the one of the eagle dance. Diane
Thank you Diane. Watching the Native dancers was amazing, especially this little boy.
What a wonderful tribute (great photos) to 2012. Here’s hoping 2013 will be even more wonderful for you!
I so very much enjoyed this summary of your year, Gaelyn. Beautiful. Even though we follow along during the year, with so many bloggers it sometimes gets a bit fuzzy, or maybe it is the brain that is getting fuzzy. Either way, a summary is wonderful. Thank you and Happy New Year and Happy Travels in 2013
Thank you Sue. I know what you mean about keeping up with many bloggers.
I loved looking back on this past year with you. What an interesting and exciting year you have had. You know, my offer is still open to trade lives !!! Although I must admit this past year here in Arabia has been by far my best – ever since I decided to quit waiting around for my hubby to take me places and help me to enjoy living here, and I’ve been making plans on my own. Happy New Year, my friend!
No trading. I’m so glad you’ve taken your life back into your own hands. Seems like you’re getting out and about now.
May the new year make your wishes come true.
What a year for you! I didn’t know about the North Rim water pistol celebrations for July 4th– that sounds like a real hoot! Hoping 2013 will find you some great adventures to South Africa, another glorious summer of sunsets and rainbows at GC, and with any luck, a final end to those nagging truck problems!
Not only is the 4th of July Parade a fun time, but it’s quiet there with no fireworks. Come check it out. Truck for sale, don’t let your friends buy it.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year dear Gaelyn, happy new year to you! I loved your review of what seems to me like an amazing and productive year. And I look forward to more — happy trip planning and bird watching…that’s a perfect way to enjoy the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, in my opinion!!!
I was truly surprised at how much I did last year thinking it a rather lazy year. The bird watching is very meditative.
You had a very interesting year. Good luck in the year ahead!
I truly enjoyed this post, Gaelyn. It gave me a way to catch up when I was away from blogging at the beginning of the year. Your eclipse picture was superb!!
I hope 2013 brings you lots of joy, my friend. We’ve started planning a few trips to take (GRCA included) once I get my houses sold. I’m looking forward to a better year myself. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed the catch up. I’m excited about you visiting GRCA. Good luck with the house sales. We can make it a better year.
Happy New Year!
What an interesting year you’ve had! As I was reading through, I was reminded of so many of your wonderful posts and pictures. Thank you for sharing with us. I can’t wait to see what 2013’s adventures bring you.
Thanks Jane. This was cathartic for me. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Lovely round-up of your year, especially for those of us (like me) who just started following the blog recently. Sure love those eclipse shots…looks like you’re getting the hang of that DSLR.
Thanks Nina. Writing this piece really put the year in perspective for me. Still have a long way to go with the camera(s).
I love following along with your very interesting life. Although I read all the posts as they were written, it is nice to see a summary of the whole year. I already know you will have very interesting posts coming our way with your upcoming trip in January. Can’t wait.
Thanks for following along. I enjoy keeping up with your travels and family gatherings but still can’t leave comments on your blog. Go figure, I’m a techno dummy.
Happy New Year to you and all.
Great post, Gaelyn! A great look back at 2012. Your photos are beautiful. I wish you all the best in 2013 and safe travels. Happy New Years!
Lot of work went into that 2012 look back. Nice to pull the whole year together in a Reader’s Digest version. Nice way to keep things in perspective. Ya did good up there on the mountain:))
Thanks. Have a Happy New Year down there in the valley.
Gaelyn – thanks so much for sharing your life. What a wonderful year!
(Your blog makes me want to sell off everything and live much more simply.)
Follow your dream.
I’d say you had a pretty good year—at least there was a lot of beauty in it. We just won’t talk about truck troubles.
Best wishes in 2013
What truck? 😉
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Gaelyn!
Your Point Sublime photo on here is my favorite, though you have some truly incredible photos. How long have you been working to develop your photography skills? Fantastic shots!
My first visit to your site, but I’ll be back for sure.
Here’s to making every minute count in 2013. Wishing you safe travels and continued adventures. -Maureen
Very interesting to see the short version of your year in review!. You were definitely busy, saw excellent sights and took great photos.
Happy 2013, Gaelyn!
Thanks Janie. Was much busier than I thought.
Its so wonderful to be able to be with you every step of the way through your blog. This year I need to work on developing my blogs a bit, get my own URL’s and try to get people to comment more. I am so thankful for all your comments because otherwise I would probably have given up long ago. I get traffic through but people just doesn’t comment.
I get very few comments compared to pages viewed and visited. Don’t let that stop you. Getting your own URL makes you look more professional. Then there’s SEO, which is a nightmare. I love your blog.
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nice photographs
good blessings to all
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lovely photographs
good blessings to all