Icons of the west, the saguaro cactus reminds me of people. And while visiting Saguaro National Park I met a few prickly characters.
The grow in all shapes and sizes.
The Sonoran Desert is the only place where the saguaro cactus grows naturally.
If a saguaro seedling is to survive, it needs the protection of a “nurse plant”, (or in this case rock) which provides protection from the sun and freezing temperatures.
After its first year, the seedlings highly variable growth is controlled by the amount of water in the soil.
Saguaro’s flowers open at night during May and June and are pollinated by nectar feeding bats, but not until they are 35-40 years old when they may stand up to six feet tall.
The first arm on a saguaro usually appears when the plant is 65-75 years old.
Saguaro branches always grow upward but frost or snow can damage the base of a limb allowing the weight of the branch to pull it down.
Yet if the branch survives, the growing tip will turn upward again.
They normally live for 150-200 years and can grow to 50 feet tall. Death may come by freezing, lightning, wind, old age, vandalism or human development.
When a saguaro dies, the woody ribs that supported it in life become visible as the softer plant tissue dries up and crumbles away.
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I'd love to see these in bloom but am unwilling to subject myself to the desert heat in May and June. This is a nice series of the non-blooming saguaro.
Wow, what an interesting post, Gaelyn. You are always so thorough in your explanations. I love the world you're travelling through now. Bless you and safe travels. Jo
What an interesting post, I had no idea the saguaro lived so long and they had to be so old before they branched. Diane
They are such amazing plants! I loved seeing them last fall when we were down there. So amazing how old they are, and how long it takes them to flower. You have some great characters here!
The age of a saguaro is amazing – what an interesting life each one has led – too bad that many people think of the desert as a dead wasteland without life, but we are lucky to know better.
How I love the Saguaros. To me I truly believe that they have a soul.
What a fascinating variety of Saguaros you've shown. They each have their own character. Interesting that they only grow naturally in the Sonoran Desert. Lots of information in a very good post!
What a great post, Gaelyn – lots of interesting Saguaro info!
Gaelyn interesting post on the Saguaro cactus. It is neat that they can live for so long and to bloom flowers. Your photos are wonderful.
I, too, have seen the resemblance between cacti and people, not only in the prickly part but how they look with arms that seem to jut upwards. It would be nice if people lived as healthily and as long as many of them do. It is also interesting to learn that seedlings are vulnerable enough to need something near for protection. That is a very human trait. Thanks for sharing your journey into a fascinating desert world.
Great shots.
Sydney – City and Suburbs
Great info! Interesting facts. MB
They are stunning. I wish I could have some of them in my garden. I had something similar but unfortunately somewhere along the way it kicked the bucket.
une belle collection de cactus
Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"
A great set of photos. They are interesting plants for sure. I know people with similar prickles, but you feel them before you see them.
Omg thanks! I needed that.
I love cactus…I'd love to see them in bloom.
Amazing photos!