Morning light over Bright Angel Canyon and the South Rim
One of my scheduled duties as a Park Ranger allows me to rove on trails, chat with visitors and answer questions. (Yes I get paid to do this.)
Bright Angel Point trail, the nearest to the visitor center, provides awesome canyon views walking along a .25 mile (.4 km) ridge with canyons on both sides. The last two days have been so windy with gusts up to 55mph that I’ve had to hang onto my hat going out to the point.
Look down to the north into Roaring Springs Canyon to the water fall called Roaring Springs that furnishes all water needs to both the North and South Rims.
Beyond, Bright Angel Canyon disappears into the distance.
To the south, Transept Canyon, where the wall of Widforss Point clearly displays the ancient rock deposits of limestone, sandstone and shale.
Eroded boulders of Kaibab limestone tower overhead.
The Curled-leaf Mahogany shows spring is on its way.
Yet this morning, this is what I woke up to. Will summer ever come to the North Rim?
I can't tell you how much I enjoy the wonderful views you share, Gaelyn. Your photos are always so beautiful, thanks
Have a great day
Those canyons and distant vistas look untouched by man—stunning.
We've been having unseasonably cold weather here in northern California, too…snow over the weekend up at Lake Tahoe. Weird.
I cannot believe that there is still snow around – we are 29 degrees C today!! The pictures are all amazing but the one of the boulders of Kaibab are very special. I am so enjoying my tour. Diane
A fantastic tour to be sure and, as always, your photos are superb! Next best thing to being there in person!! I, too, love the boulders of Kaibab. Terrific post for the day, Gaelyn! Have a great week and I hope spring/summer arrives there soon! Surely has been a strange winter/spring/summer for many of us!
Thanks for showing us a little bit. What a job!
OMG!! Snow again. Well I went over the pass to EWA yesterday and there is still snow hanging around up there.
I went to Moses Coulee and Potholes Coulee and Ancient Lakes and then up N to Beesley Ridge. I look at these Coulees and marvel at them and then you show the Canyons there and…..all good. MB
No wonder millions of people flock to see the Grand Canyon. AND you are getting paid to work there. Such a stunning place.
Your pictures are wonderful, Gaelyn. The Kaibab boulders look really cool. Snow again, unbelievable!
Hello Gaelyn~ these photos are breathtaking. i'd love to someday visit the Grand Canyon. i'm sure there's no limit to the fun one could have. have a great night.
Huh, still snowing… no wonder we've been having a cold wind here.
Don't worry, don't you know that all you have to do is smile, and the sun will shine!
Beautiful pictures once again!
You really have a dream job, Gaelyn. But more snow? Seems like that ought to be over soon.
Your photos of the views are spectacular.
Awesome scenery.
Sydney – City and Suburbs
Ah, how beautiful, even if there is snow there still. I am beginning to think winter is hanging on pretty much worldwide.
Beautiful and amazing world.
what a marvelous job you have. I work with children, and in the morning, I dread to wake up. But once I am with the kids, I am fine.
It does not seem fair that we get paid to do jobs like this but hey, someone has to do it. LOL!!
Gaelyn: Truly beautiful captures of the canyon. A place God has made to be looked at and let your heart fill with wonder.
Your blog is amazing. Fabulous pictures. You're living the life I'd like to live one day. (how do you get a job as a park ranger?)
My son was just at the north rim yesterday. I've only been to the south rim. One day, soon!
Fabulous photos of a glorious place. Hang on to your hat, Gaelyn!
We rove at Mt. Rainier as Volunteers in Parks. It's such a great job we do it for free. What a wonder to get to do it and get paid!!!