So my winter vacation is almost over, boo hoo. Time to face the reality of work.
And on the way to the canyon I’m meeting two fellow Rangers to hike to Havasu Falls.
But don’t come to visit yet as the North Rim doesn’t open until May 15th.
Posting could be a bit erratic for a while, or not. I still have so much to share from South Africa.
I really need to go to the North Rim to meet you…
we'll be in Flagstaff on Sunday or Monday, we might spend an extra day in Amarillo. See ya soon!
If you have to work, being at the Grand Canyon is not a bad way to spend your day!
How funny. Just this week, I came across one of those random witticisms that posed the question: "Where does a park ranger go to get away from it all?"
Well, you answered it. Thanks for the amazing views from your vacation.
how nice to have a "job" that you love! I love the phrase "wheelestate"
Enjoy Havasu Falls! I've never been there, so I'm looking forward to a tour via your blog.
Gaelyn, I can't believe you entered that little teeny hole in the rock. Yikes! At least you're heading to another beautiful place, even if it is your work. Safe Trip.
I used to hike down into Havasu back in the late 70's. It was great and so spectacular. I hope it's still that way, it was getting busy the last time I was there.
There's no way I would go into that cave. Hopefully things opened up after you got through that little hole.
Enjoy your hike to Havasu Falls.
Ahh back to work..but what a job you have!
As they say, all good things come to an end but I am looking forward to more pictures of the wonderful world you call "work". 🙂
Believe it or not, I've never been in the Cango Caves. When we pass the turnoff (about twice a year!) and I nudge him from the pillion seat, he drops a gear and the bike speeds past without a glance. In more than forty years I've not worked out whether he may be claustrophobic… I look forward to seeing INSIDE this cave. I'm still catching up on your SA travels. I'd love if you visited again! Meanwhile, I'll look out for your posts about your glorious "job" My younger son says John is where he loves to be (the 'Berg) doing what he loves: (Serving God and being with his family permanently) Safe travels, my friend. Bless you.
Hey boo boo, it's the ranger! Hide the picnic basket! Have fun at the falls!
Is that the Devil's Chimney? A few years ago a rather large lady insisted on going through the chimney and got stuck. It turned into quite a to do, but everybody felt she deserved it for being pigheaded. (lol) Looking forward to all your posts while on the North Rim.
Even though you are boo hoo-ing going back to 'work' it sounds like yu are looking forward to being at the North rim. Keep them pictures a coming. MB
it sounds like great scenes to be coming soon. I can not wait to see more. Wonderful photos, Gaelyn!
Ahh.. Havasu Falls.. that's definitely on my list, hopefully this year sometime, so I'll be interested to see your report on that.
Not too bad going back to work after a whole winter off, especially where you work:)
Gaelyn: Have a great season and show us a lot of great canyon shots again.
Everybody needs to go back to work at some time or another. Good thing you work in such a stunning place.
"Work?" Hm. Well then. You must know that I am smitten with the Grand Canyon and would love to take you job away from ya – ha!!! LOL!!! Enjoy it for the rest of us!
Gaelyn, in the first photo you look like you are crawling into a giant ear canal! The photo of Havasu Falls is AMAZING!!!! No wonder you want to go there!
And, like you, I am still playing catch up on everything! Thanks for always stopping by to say hi to me!
Work is work no matter what you do I guess but you are right – it's a great position. Be careful on your hikes and drives…