Mike loves to landscape; I think it may be meditative. And so we have an A-piph-a-tree in the back yard.
It started with a fence followed by a pond and rock work. I believe this to be an ongoing project. Actually it started with the big Arizona White Oak in the untouched back yard.
This is a marvelously dreamy place to sit and think. And maybe have some inspiration, come to a realization, make a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, have an Epiphany.
Lately, I’ve had many epiphanies. Falling in love filled an empty part of my life I didn’t know I had.
Visiting my parents taught me to accept the things I cannot change. More on this later.
View from bench under A-piph-a-tree
The tree of life has always been a strong image for me. I am terrestrial and usually have my feet planted on the ground. Maybe not barefoot like in my youth as my feet have become soft and tender. My arm-like branches reach out to capture what energy I can from the universe. I grow, especially when watered with the journey of life. My roots reach down into the earth for needed nutrients like the words of a treasured friend. I listen and learn.
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My Word dictionary: an epiphany is a Christian festival marking the visit of the Magi to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth or, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the baptism of Jesus Christ. As a noun, an epiphany is the supposed manifestation of a divine being, the appearance of God.
I loved this Pat. Trees are my most loved things in all of natures beauty. All knots and knarls, the texture of the bark, the age, their…oh what is the word I'm looking for…Steadfastness. The've been there a long time and seen it all. Came over to collect my award-I can do it, yes I can, I know I can-let's see-click on picture and move it…
Pat? Pat!! Where did the Pat come from…oh dear, it is as I feared, I'm old and I'm losing it Gaelyn.
Veri word: vories, I'll say I have worries…oi vay!
Hahaha, I was wondering where the Pat came from!
Wonderful post Gaelyn, I feel the same way about trees and grounding. You expressed that very well. Also the landscaping looks great, especially since all our ground is still under two feet of snow.
A very productive guy. Nice garden. I would call that a garden.
Thanks for the thoughts.
This is shaping up to be a pivotal year for you, Gaelyn. I think for you the new year starts with the end of the Park season.
It sounds like you are grounded, indeed and ready for the changes.
Beautiful post, Gaelyn. Lovely calm place Mike has created there for you. Enjoy being in love. Remember that you're in my prayers where your parents are concerned.
I like the name of your tree….very creative. It looks like you are settling in for a while. Will you still be going back to the Grand Canyon for the summer?
The tree of life is certainly an ongoing project for the limbs continue to grow and extend in new directions. And then there is the seeds that germinate along your path as you release the surface tension to allow the new the chance to grow.
Gaelyn: Neat photos of the old tree, I never named a tree. Do you think I should?
I adore this, Gaelyn! Wonderful post. Well done.
Epiphanies are few and far between. But they are life changing when they do happen. You sound as rooted and grounded as the a=piph-a-tree.
Now, Gaelyn, I'm wondering if your wood nymph and Waldo could be friends? I don't see why not. I like to think of your tree literally and as a metaphor. Sometimes a place to ground us and allow us to think is just what we need.
I loved this post…
Funny, what grounds me is rocks, not trees – though I love them. I think one of the reasons I fell in love with our cottage is the fact that it's built on a huge rock that actually comes into the house in placed. Rocks make me feel grounded. Safe.
This is a really nice post Gaelyn. I like your wise musings.
Sometimes you never know what wants to manifest itself with a little bit of help. The tree just tells me where to put things. Sometimes I listen and sometimes I don't. When I don't listen things won't work out and it becomes a battle.
What a lovely little landscaped area around the a-piph-a-tree—a perfect spot to sit and ponder life. Mike has done a nice job with his landscaping…sounds like a continually on-going process.
Nice art work on the tree.
Great post! I liked your thoughts on trees.
That's a lovely garden you have there. Love your A-piph-A-Tree, think it added character to your whole garden. Love your musing too… you said it so well.
Can I come and sit under your tree?? I really need it right now!!
All this sound like it is going to be really beautiful Gaelyn. I love gardens which have such tranquility and water/waterfalls always do it for me.
This looks like a wonderful place and it's well-named. I love what you wrote, too, at the end.
Wow falling love seems to have opened not only your heart but your whole being to the enjoyment of life around you,. Love it! It's a great ride. MB
THat is just brilliant and creative. I hope you have many epiphanies under that tree.
I love the whole idea of an A-piph-a-tree. It fits the wonderful natural surroundings you and Mike have created.
Your words are so eloquent, Gaelyn. They touch my heart. I an glad you have found love and are so happy.
Mike's done a wonderful job, it looks great and I love the tree face.
I'm really happy for you. Glad you made it back from Texas fine.
It's a lovely spot, Gaelyn. I hope you have many more wonderful epithanies under your apithatree!
Wonderful post! I love the A-piph-a-tree and the delightful park-like setting. Looks like a great place for contemplation.
I love your a-piph-a-tree. It is a wonderful spot to sit and contemplate. Of course, sitting under a tree is always conducive to thought.
I love the little garden. Its got interesting features, specially the stone lined path. Mike seems to bring something diverent to your life.
I think the closer one is to self and Nature that the epiphanies gate is also wide open.
A good looking environment you got there and it will look better as it grows.
Yes, I need to study more about my asthma and emphysema as something is getting wronger than righter about my condition. Patty, my wife, said she noticed I get a bad spell after being outside. Just from the car to the house. Then I pay for it.
Gosh this is beautiful. I'm going to fix up my garden to look like this one… as soon as I have one, and put down some "roots" myself! I love Arizona… I'd love to go back someday.
Tender feet, but not a tenderfoot. Those kinds of projects are kind of neat. I'm glad you got pictures of the process.
Wonderful post Gaelyn..I hear you about the older softer feet and I think we tend to look back on life with more reflection as we get older… Love does help doesn't it? And we can get on with things despite our parents by not being like them….
I think I know who Mike is…
LOVE the place to sit and think… so beautiful.
Looking forward to hearing about your parents.