Woman can pee standing

I can’t squat without peeing on my feet and have wanted one of these for years. So I finally ordered it. IT is a Female Urination Device (FUD), or for the uninitiated a funnel, which comes in either pink or camouflage brown stored in a re-usable tube. No prejudice here. This handy little GoGirl beauty is made from flexible medical grade silicone and is rinseable and reusable. I don’t want to be a Man but have always envied their ability to pee almost anywhere without having to expose their entire lower half. I quite frequently hike wearing a mid-calf length skirt and often find myself with nowhere to hide. When traveling I’ve seen too many icky, dirty toilets, sometimes with no seat, to crouch over while my legs cramp. And I’ve made a few emergency side-of-the-road stops trying to hide in a ditch or hang cheeks over a fallen log. But no more. “Because life’s greatest adventure shouldn’t be finding a bathroom” says GoGirl, and I agree.

This handy little FUD will be going with me to South Africa for the month of March. I can see where it may come in handy while on safari at Kruger National Park, hiking in the Drakenberg Mountains or anywhere out in the bush veldt.

I first read about the GoGirl on RuthieJ’s blog Nature Knitter. Please don’t think I’m endorsing this company, yet. I’ll have to let you know if this thing really works. I did send the company a letter similar to this post and if they use it I could win a free GoGirl and T-shirt.

I can’t squat without peeing on my feet and have wanted one of these for years. So I finally ordered it. IT is a Female Urination Device (FUD), or for the uninitiated a funnel, which comes in either pink or camouflage brown stored in a re-usable tube. No prejudice here. This handy little GoGirl beauty is made from flexible medical grade silicone and is rinseable and reusable. I don’t want to be a Man but have always envied their ability to pee almost anywhere without having to expose their entire lower half. I quite frequently hike wearing a mid-calf length skirt and often find myself with nowhere to hide. When traveling I’ve seen too many icky, dirty toilets, sometimes with no seat, to crouch over while my legs cramp. And I’ve made a few emergency side-of-the-road stops trying to hide in a ditch or hang cheeks over a fallen log. But no more. “Because life’s greatest adventure shouldn’t be finding a bathroom” says GoGirl, and I agree.

This handy little FUD will be going with me to South Africa for the month of March. I can see where it may come in handy while on safari at Kruger National Park, hiking in the Drakenberg Mountains or anywhere out in the bush veldt.

I first read about the GoGirl on RuthieJ’s blog Nature Knitter. Please don’t think I’m endorsing this company, yet. I’ll have to let you know if this thing really works. I did send the company a letter similar to this post and if they use it I could win a free GoGirl and T-shirt.
My daughters and I have some of these for hiking and camping. I like the Freshette better, but the Freshette isn't as small and easy to pack. I'm not good at squatting, either, LOL!
I can't wait to see your Africa photos!!! That's going to be an awesome trip!
(: 🙂
(I'm speechless)
Gaelyn: Now I never, okay I'm not surprised that someone thought of this.
Have you tried this devise yet? I am just curious—I saw a video and it seems even though you can stand and be wearing jeans you still have to unzip and partially pull down the jeans to get it to fit properly. I don't want dribbles everywhere either. Let me know because as much as I roadtrip I may need one. MB
POS: Regarding the Eagles–Fish and Wildlife say the winter population is down this year because the Chum run is down also. It seems to be a cyclical thing.
There are more on the lower Skagit and Samish (where I see them most) than on the Upper Skagit around Rockport where the yearly Eagle Festival is held. Don't tell anyone.
We have quite a few resident Eagles also. I feel quite fortunate to see so many every year. MB
What's with the Africa trip? MB
Okay this is just too too too funny Gaelyn, it seems great minds think alike.
Go to http://www.britgalusa.com/search/label/pstyle to read my love of the pstyle, a similar gadget and then there's a link to a full article I wrote for PRG on it.
You go girl 🙂
I never knew such a gadget existed! I'm dying to hear how you like it. You must be getting excited about your upcoming trip!!!
I hope things work out for the fish and other wildlife. I know times are tough here. This snowstorm has us feeding gobs of starlings so we can get a few of the others to eat too. Had a sick old timer squirrel pop in a while ago. It had to wade through snow about 12 inches deep or more and the wind is blowing and my. Anyway when he got here I think he was exhausted.
As for the pee trough for ladies. I have seen them in action. I even have one here in an ad that I have used from time to time beginning in 2004 on blogs.
I'm also curious to see how this device works out for you but what I'm really interested in is that trip to South Africa! Are you going on your own, with a friend, a tour?
They come in Camo too. MB
I've heard of these, but hadn't actually seen one. I'm also eager to hear how it works.
I want one! I have seen other ones in outdoor gear catalogs before. Yes, please do let us know how you like it when you get a chance to use it.
I too have had to devise various strategems over the years to cope while on the road.
This device seems like such a good idea, especially in arid, male dominated lands with little or no cover. Hope it fits the bill.
have a wonderful trip and make sure you have all the necessary immunisations beforehand.
You GO Girl!
Now that is clever..I hope it works…
Oh well I didn't see this example yesterday. The one I am talking about works for the ladies who want to stand up like a man and hold something and pee in a stream. I got a picture of a lady doing it and a link. I will have to look for it and come back.
I could have definitely used one on many occasions, most recently in India, where they still mostly use 'Turkish'toilets…
I love the hot pink one! I may just get one….
Hi Gaelyn;) when I saw this post, I thought "Gaelyn will definitely use this gyzmo in South Africa." The public toilets (along freeways and National highways between cities), leave much to be desired. Well done on a nifty gadeget. Good on ya!!
wow…this would have been perfect on my china trip. i don't particularly care for a hole in the floor. and i totally agree about having an alternative rather than using some disgusting toilet 🙂
happy sunday
Wow…! I've not heard of this product before but think it genius. We all look forward to your review. South Africa? Have fun!
Okay, I'm posting a second comment here. Normally, I post before reading other posts 'cause I want mine to be…well, mine. However, I Laughed Out Loud at Bernie's, um, non-comment! I've never seen him speechless!
Boy, could I have used one of those yesterday! I am so tired of the wet pant leg! I have read about them and used a similiar contraption when I did a long kayak trip several years ago and sure beats the diapers!!
Happy travels and lots of smiles
Good Luck with your Go Girl.
Mine is sitting unused in the drawer. My best advice to you is to practice……a lot (and pee sloooooowly because that little funnel fills up very quickly!)
I saw one of these advertised years ago and thought how it would definitely come in handy when the toilet is very different from the ones we use. Looking forward to hearing about your trip in March. I was wondering when you had it planned. We are all anxious to know how this funnel works.
I MUST get this! always peeing outside while hiking and getting wet…
I can pee without hitting my shoes – if I'm wearing a skirt and no underwear. Unfortunately, I rarely go hiking commando in a skirt. I can't wait to hear how it works.
Gaelyn,I first read about something like this in the book Life List. I could only imagine how it worked. Now you have educated me. You will have to let us know how it works in the bush! It never seemed a problem to me until I started to hike around these barren deserts with no place to hide! I agree with you, I would rather pee in the woods than in some of the dirty toilets I have seen!