Old water heater in 5th-wheel
I was supposed to move out at the end of the month, but I procrastinate.
Old water heater
For the last three weeks I’ve emptied the 5th-wheel completely, scrubbed everything down and repainted the ceiling. Wouldn’t think that would be so hard in only 27 feet. But…when it’s cold in the mornings I’m not motivated to get a very early start. The inside of the RV was colder than the outside. So I’d usually work from 11-3. I know that’s only a half a day’s work. But I had all month..jpg)
New water heater going in
Someone new is moving into the little house and he told me I could take an extra week into December. Oh good, more time. Plus I’m waiting for this same person to put the new water heater in my RV. Not that I couldn’t live without the hot water as I did that for months this summer.
Living room moving in
OK, Monday morning new renter arrives and is basically homeless so I say I’ll move as much as I can today so he has a place to sleep. And the new water heater got put in.
Bedroom moving in
I spent a full 8 hour day shuttling boxes in Berta’s convenient garden wagon and still haven’t got it all. But I’m not going to start early today because I’m cold.
I was supposed to move out at the end of the month, but I procrastinate.
Old water heater
For the last three weeks I’ve emptied the 5th-wheel completely, scrubbed everything down and repainted the ceiling. Wouldn’t think that would be so hard in only 27 feet. But…when it’s cold in the mornings I’m not motivated to get a very early start. The inside of the RV was colder than the outside. So I’d usually work from 11-3. I know that’s only a half a day’s work. But I had all month.
New water heater going in
Someone new is moving into the little house and he told me I could take an extra week into December. Oh good, more time. Plus I’m waiting for this same person to put the new water heater in my RV. Not that I couldn’t live without the hot water as I did that for months this summer.
Living room moving in
OK, Monday morning new renter arrives and is basically homeless so I say I’ll move as much as I can today so he has a place to sleep. And the new water heater got put in.
Bedroom moving in
I spent a full 8 hour day shuttling boxes in Berta’s convenient garden wagon and still haven’t got it all. But I’m not going to start early today because I’m cold.
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I love your 11-3 schedule! My house is usually colder inside than outside, too. Except in the summer. It's cold all the time. And even if you're on the north rim, summer without hot water is different than winter!
I'm glad you have the new water heater. Your bedroom looks quite cozy.
Nothing wrong with working in the warm part of the day!
You're making progess! That's all that matters. We had snow today.
Moving sucks!!! I am a vagabond also and you are always on the move. I have just moved(my stuff) out of a storage shed into another one as I will be off island for an extended period of time and like you it is cold and short daylight hours….oh do I know what you are going through Gaelyn! I leave for the mainland next Tuesday and I have yet to sort my stuff out.
Keep up the good work.
such work to move Gaelyn but it does look so cozy! and about that snake on my site, i did actually work hard to get the photo but there was glass involved between me and the snake 🙂 Hey, I grew up in the desert I know better than to get that close to a rattler! I have encountered too many of them in the desert in their real life surroundings.
I thought you would stay longer in the little house. I had no idea you would be out so soon. Nothing like pressure to get moving faster. Looks like you are almost there. Did you stuff get bigger when you took it out of the RV, my stuff usually increases in size. When are you off on your travels?
Oh, I so relate because I procrastinate endlessly too. Good luck with the rest of the move 😉
Hugs and blessings,
You world isn't very big at the moment. Nothing like a push to get you motivated. where will you be heading next?
Yes Tuffy is a BIG horse. He is actually a miniature horse but he grew too tall. He is 42 inches at the withers. Should only be 36. Oh we..!! Buckey his partner in mischief is 39 inches. they are my toys. MB
I hope the rest of your move goes smoothly. I would hate moving. Where do you go next? I look forward to your adventures.
I wouldn't want to work in the cold either. I hope you enjoy getting settled in your 5th-wheel with the freshly painted ceiling and hot water!
Is it cold enough to use a heater? I am used to cold winters in Canada, but the coldest I week I experienced was in Mexico in the mountains where it was above freezing (barely) but with no heaters. The stone buildings were not cozy! Good luck completing your move.
Wow, I'm just exhausted after reading all that.
You almost made it on time. I always work better with a deadline otherwise I do what is fun or interesting instead of what needs to get done.
Home sweet Home. =) It doesn't seem like that long ago you started clearing out! I can't believe how fast time flys by. Wow. The cieling looks good!
Moving has just got to be the worst job on this earth Gaelyn and you have my sympathy!!
I absolutely hate moving. Too much stress. My mrs gets stressed just getting ready and packed to go on holiday, so you can imagine.
Keep warm -and happy!
Oh Gaelyn – I know how you must feel. Moving is the pits. But at least you have a small place so hopefully not that much stuff! Thinking of you and hoping you manage to stay warm…
The French say, 'Little by little the bird makes its nest,' and so do you! It looks cozy.
Glad you have the new water heater. I would also work during the middle of the day if that's the warmer part. Hope you're settled soon.
I hope your move has gone as well as possible. I hate moving so bad I've lived in the same house since 1984. Speaking of the 80s, ha, I saw your remember Whenesday. I not only remember skorts, a local woman wore a skort when called for jury duty in the 1980s and the Judge charged her with contempt of court or something like that. She was a local mom with a part time job and her skort was much longer than the one pictured and looked more like a skirt. She argued that she was wearing what she wore to work, to volunteer at her kids school, etc. but the Judge wasn't having any of it. It made the local paper and anytime I see or hear of skorts I think of that. Funny memory.
it is always harder to clean small spaces..Michelle
Gaelyn: I hope you fill that wonderlust really soon.
Is that a new rug in the living room too?
Brrr, I think you are wise to wait. It's hard to paint when it is cold outside, even when it is warm inside.
When my kids were small, Hubby got us a caravan (SA for RV) although of course it was a lot smaller than yours. I hated camping in it because it was very difficult for me with 3 small children. However, now that I see you preparing for living in your RV again, I am wondering if a caravan for us at this stage would not be a good idea. I really think I would enjoy it now. Any caravans going cheap somewhere?
Good luck for your winter in your RV. Please keep us posted!
I just realized I missed your post about moving out of he little house. So you were just staying long enough to remodel your RV? I was afraid you'd get housebound and we'd have no more great travels to follow.