I actually took this photo last year while visiting a friend that collects the coolest stuff.
Sally from The (Mis) Adventures of Karl and Sally has started a meme where the past is remembered through sharing old family photographs and this is #25. I love the idea and hope you will too. So join the fun by clicking here.
Gaelyn: I love the wagon but changing the wheel, without a jack, had to be a bear. You had to roll in a rock and use it as a fulcrum for a log.
Funny you should mention that. Last week I was thinking along a similar theme as I watched some old TV, where cowboys saddled up their horses. I sure am glad I can just hop in the car and go!
Nice looking old photo. I remember greasing these kinds of wheels and you had to take them off to do that.
Fun to imagine what life would have been like back then. Seems we have a lot to be grateful for. 🙂
Uh, I don't envy the generations before us at all! Only the clothes. Sometimes! The wagon/cart, however it was called, does make for a cool pic, Gaelyn!
The abandoned homestead near the Okanogan house had the remnants of what looked to be an old wagon on the ground. Nowhere near as good a shape as this one. Cool pic.
I'd like to live back in time but then again I do like a few luxuries too.
My eldest daughter had a Whelsh that she hooked up to a small cart. Just hooking up that sucker was a pain—and then she had to keep good care of the harness and reins etc–it's a pain. I think as much as I like horses I like a few under the hood too. MB
It would make quite a conversation piece!
This matches my leaning shed on the farm picture! I love these old items.
With the price of fuel and the road rage we have nowdays, I have always thought we should go back to this form of transport.
We just need the sheriff and the baddies now!! Love it.
When I was a kid, a neighbor had a horse and buggy and would take us for rides…I still can feel the wind, hear the clip-clop…
Those old wagons are very beautiful but I think using one would have been a pain in the butt.
It's a lovely photo, Gaelyn, and harks back to a slower time. I'm grateful for my car and my time saving devices but I can appreciate the charm of this.
Great shot! My dad wrote a lot abotu growing up with horse and buggy on the farm. It is so interesting to see how people used to live…not that long ago!
I am very thankful for the truck, for a hot water heater, for washing machines, for gas stoves, for indoor plumbing…
We do like to romanticize days gone by without appreciating the hardships they faced without our modern conveniences. I will keep my Honda, thank you very much. Nice picture though.