After leaving hell, oops I mean Furnace Creek, we attended an afternoon guided Ranger walk to learn more about the geology in Death Valley National Park Natural Bridge Canyon.
Ranger Bob is a retired geologist working summers at Yellowstone and winters at Death Valley for the last 10 years. He not only knew his stuff, he got everybody into it.
Although Death Valley itself is young in geologic time, formed a mere three million years ago, some of the rocks that makes up the rugged mountains to the east of the valley date back to around 1.8 billion years old.
Uplift began about 8-10 million years ago but most of the drastic elevation change occurred in the last 3 million years.
Four mountain ranges to the west of the valley create such a strong rain shadow that the average precipitation is less than two inches a year. Death Valley is considered the driest place in North America. Yet during unusually heavy storms, rain washes rocks, sand and gravel off mountainsides and down into canyons.
Where a canyon opens onto the valley floor the water spreads out, losing velocity and depositing the water-carried material at the canyon mouth, or beyond, creating an alluvial fan. As the mountains lift the valley sinks. Yet erosion can’t keep up as the valley sinks faster than it fills. Even after millions of floods, nearly 9000 feet (2750 meters) of sand, silt, gravel and salt fill the valley basin.
Because this erosion process has been going on for millions of years some rock layers are concentrations of rock, sand and gravel compressed by more layers into an interesting conglomerate like was seen in Mosaic Canyon.
And then there are numerous faults as this land known as the “Basin and Range” spreads apart fracturing along parallel fault lines creating the Panamint Mountains to the west and the Black Mountains to the east with Badwater Basin in between. A large earthquake could cause the valley in between to drop a few more feet below sea level.
Had you ever met Ranger Bob before this trip (during your years as a ranger)? That's a lot of diverse geologic information to have to know and remember!
Terrific post, Gaelyn! And your photos really capture the feel of the place as I remember it. Always enjoy the information you include!
Enjoy your day!
I am loving getting to know this area better. I think many people would just picture it as a desolate area, but there is so many amazing things going on there!
Ranger Bob's life sounds interesting. Two amazing places to work.
I do LOVE your posts my friend. You have the most terrific information to add to your wonderful photographs.
Enjoyed the tour of Natural Bridge Canyon. Your photos are beautiful and it's interesting to learn how the valley was formed.
It's like National Geographic photography, very beautiful!
Great post about an interesting place. I like your "Gneiss old rock". There are a lot of interesting rock in that park.
Gaelyn: Love the post and the bridge. I could have used that rock on a what is it and only you would have gotten it.
Wow great info Gaelyn!
So maybe you can help me out here..We only have time to visit one of these places and it will be the second week of December..Yosemite or Death Valley..
which one?
Alluvial fans are cool. I used to spend a lot of time in these places finding desert tortoises. They represent fresh soil to walk upon. Rich in nutrients, they bring life to the world.
Magic scenery.
Sydney – City and Suburbs
Once again great phtos and post. I'm interested to see what your answer to Dawn will be Yosemite or Death Valley???
Great geological tour, Gaelyn. The photos of Natural Bridge are awesome!
Love traveling with you. How is the "dial up" doing. Changed by blog to two posts on a page, will that help? Less to download. If one is best, can do that.
Great informative post!
Lovely shots too.
I think that it is so cool that you really get into the background of a place so deep. Great pictures and explanations.
The rugged beauty of this part of the country is amazing. I've traveled some but you've got me itching to go again…. Thank you for the history and knowledge you share here. You are a gem stone that's for sure. Love and Light, Nina P
This is such an amazing place. It barely gets any rain, yet there is life. I am also fascinated with the geology of the area. Another lesson well worth learning.
Wow – no wonder it looks so dry, and is called Death Valley.
Great shots.
The name itself is scary. Thanks for the virtual tour in the comfort of my sweater;) Is it still extremely hot there during the "winter" months?
You visit so many interesting places. And I love your photos as well, as they help us life your experiences.
Such an interesting post. The shots are all so good and also very informative narrative.
Ranger Bob sounds like a kindred spirit.
Great info on the geology of the area.
I've went back and got caught up on your Death Valley visit. Very beautiful and informative! The borax mining story is very interesting. The lives of those miners must have been very difficult. I've heard of the 20 mule teams all my life but never imagined what the reality of driving one would be like. Thanks for sharing.
Wow. This is like National Geographic, only more personal and fun! Love it, Gaelyn.
I agree with Joan..I too love learning from your posts..
Next time you take the walk to Natural Bridge, be sure to go a few hundred yards further. When the canyon ends in a box canyon, look around and you will see the surface of the Turtleback fault. You can lay your hands right on the fault plane! It's a great place