What could be better than a road trip to Death Valley National Park?
It was chilly as I headed north on Highway 93 for Death Valley National Park Thursday morning at 9:30.
As always, a gorgeous journey through the Arizona desert.
If the construction going on here for the last four years ever gets done then there should be no reason to have a security check point to drive on Hoover Dam. I carried no scary things in my camper so was allowed over.
Completed in 1936 and built for flood control, agricultural water and hydroelectric energy.
The by-product of the dam is a gigantic reservoir for recreation. Yet I had no time to play in the water.
I tried to stay out of the traffic mess by skirting south of “Sin City”, and it took me seven hours to get this far.
As I approached the park boundary the sun quickly dropped behind…
…the western mountains.
It took me nine hours to drive the 350 miles on this road trip to Death Valley. But no problem finding Jeremy’s chosen camp in the far back corner of the relatively empty Stovepipe Wells campground.
Sunset near Stovepipe Wells campground
We made a plan for Friday including a Ranger program, Mosaic Canyon hike, Charcoal Kilns and whatever else we found along the way.
Texas Springs is my campgroud of choice but last time we were there we heard they might make it tents only.
I look forward to seeing Death Valley through your eyes.
Arizona has always been my favorite state and if I lived anywhere, it would be there.
Gaelyn, what wonderful captures of the setting sun and then the beautiful sunset. I love the clean lines of the tarred roads and the surrounding scenery. What on earth is "Nothing" ? A siding? Just wonderin' ? (lol!) Thanks for popping over to my blog even though you don't have much Internet time.
I've been to Death Valley and long to return. I remember the salt flats, and have a crystal in my living room.
Waiting for your adventures.
I love Nevada (Las Vegas not so much) but the state is beautiful. Have a wonderful time. Really wish I was there.
You're bringing up some lovely memories for me, Gaelyn. Nevada is a beautiful state, despite Las Vegas. Enjoy for all of us!
Beautiful sunset! I do enjoy touring the US through your blog. Looking forward to learning about Death Valley.
Gaelyn: Great photos from your trip, very interesting.
There is nothing in the world like the American southwest. I could happily spend every vacation there.
Beautiful clear, sharp photos of the desert southwest. It has a unique beauty all its own.
Wow Gaelyn, great shots and wonderful journey. In one of Michael Martin Murphy's great Cowboy songs is one about some old real cowboys and the Panamints. And there they are. Thanks for the sharing. MB
I love sundogs! My first sighting of parhelia was only about a year ago or so. Since then, I've see them a few times. I have one episode photographed. That was a real treat!
These are beautiful pics. Thanks for taking us on this trip with you.
I really hope to get to Death Valley next winter. Your photos are making me want to be there right now!
That sunset is incredible. THIS is why I want to be you when "I grow up." I know it's not all easy, but the adventure and going where you want sort of when you want… just seems like something I would like to do someday.