Do you remember how terrible the smell of hair permanents were?

Mom thought her little girl with poker straight hair should have curls.

Guess I really didn’t care if my hair was curly.
Sally from The (Mis) Adventures of Karl and Sally has started a new meme where the past is remembered through sharing old family photographs and this is #20. I love the idea and hope you will too. So join the fun by clicking here.
I’m still on the road so may not get this linked.
That is so cute, I love how your photos tell a story, Gaelyn. I guess at the end you didn't like the smell:(
Oh what cute pictures! and what memories they brought back! I remember that horrible smell, like rotten eggs and my mother giving me a perm. Some of it took and some didn't; I don't think she ever tried a home perm again!
Thanks for the memories.
Sunny 🙂
You're really laying like a sacrificial lamb there in the perm process:) But…your mom probably thought it was cute!
PS the present perms (since I just had one recently) still smell badly for the first days!!
Boy, do I ever remember those Tony Home Perms! Even though I had curly hair to start with, my mother insisted on giving me one of those stinky perms every year before school started. I can remember sitting on the curb, crying, just like the girl in those old commercials! I haven't had a perm in my hair in 40 years, and will never ever do one again!
Yes, yes! Wasn't it 'Which Twin Has the Tony?' And the breath taking odour- You know, I am so lucky to have any hair at all when I consider what it has gone through over the years. I like this idea, might run with it, if I can find a picture that I haven't already shown.
LOL – My hair has always been straight and Mom got mine permed too! It's funny looking at my old photos!! Oh, I love the second photo – LOL, it looks like you were being subjected to some science experiment!
Have a safe journey.
Each of these photos are priceless. The second one looks as if your parents were proud to get you in such a submissive state of experiencing. Something tells me that you didn't stand still too much. Always out and about and exploring.
Gaelyn: Love the curls but those perms were very stinky. I remember when the girls used them.
Gaelyn: Love the curls but those perms were very stinky. I remember when the girls used them.
this is cute and brings back many memories for everyone. great idea and great photos. I like your new banner photo.
You look cute with your curls Gaelyn. Perms DID stink to high heaven then. 🙂
Memories are great and is wonderful for you to have all of these. I may not take part in the meme, but every week after looking at your memories, it remindes me of something from my past. Thanks.
These pictures tell such a great story. At least your first perm was cute! You should have seen mine, lol.
Yes, I certainly remember the permanent wave. my fine hair always came out in a frizzy mess and took weeks to settle. Now it's just a shampoo in the shower and a a quick blowdry!
You were so cute in curly hair!
I remember getting a perm when I was thirteen. My mother took me to one of those beauty schools to save money, and they burned my hair! Total frizz….I hated it and was in tears for days.
Haven't had a (decent) perm in years, though sometimes I'm tempted…
hello and happy wednesday!
it looks like you're being tortured in that second photo… great pics.
Looks like getting a perm was quite an ordeal. When I was young, my mom just told me that if I would eat all of my dinner, my hair would turn curly. But, I didn't see anything wrong with straight hair.
Goodness, but I remember those days as well and the end result was similar – my hair curling in all directions and my eyes watering. Ick. I can't believe your mom took photos – what luck!!!
At least you got some curls. My hair would NEVER curl and it still won't. At least you documentation. LOL MB
Those pics are cute. Our family did not do perms, so I don't know how this stuff used to smell. My nose does not like perms even today. The odor must have been rather potent.
I DO remember that horrid smell as Gram would drag the small boy along to the beauty parlor… 50+ years later, and your words & pics made the memory vivid.
Oh dear, this brings back memories of hair washing day. I have naturally curly hair so I never have had a perm – ever. But, my Mom used to scrub my head in the sink this way. I did not enjoy it.
I got MY first perm in 8th grade. My mom wouldn't have dreamed of going to so much trouble when I was little. She just butched my "straight-as-string" hair off so she didn't have to deal with it. I found out after college that my hair wasn't straight after all. A childhood of butched, then years of perms, I never knew until I let it grow long.
You are ADORABLE!!!!!!
These pics are a riot. I think I can smell the perm solution now. 🙂
Puey! I remember that smell too and how much those little curlers hurt because my mom rolled them up so tight!
Toni and Lilt! Do they still make those home perms?
Oh, that is so funny–your poor thing! (grin) I do remember that aroma. Wow!
Cute pics, but I really hated perms, too. They smelled awful, indeed, and my hair always looked artificial and seriously overdone afterward.
fun photos! I love old photos, so I will have to check out that meme.