Sunrise out my window
Being a Park Ranger at Grand Canyon, some days start early.
The candelabra tree, Ponderosa Pine
I might lead a nature walk.
Or give a geology talk.
Converse with Raven.
5-legged long-horned beetle
Rescue a bug.
Aspen fire on Walhalla Plateau
Talk about fire.
Prepare for a campfire.
Today I’ll be out on the Walhalla Plateau talking about geology at Cape Royal.
Unkar delta on Colorado River
And archeology at the Walhalla overlook.
Some days run late.
Being a Park Ranger at Grand Canyon, some days start early.
The candelabra tree, Ponderosa Pine
I might lead a nature walk.
Or give a geology talk.
Converse with Raven.
5-legged long-horned beetle
Rescue a bug.
Aspen fire on Walhalla Plateau
Talk about fire.
Prepare for a campfire.
Today I’ll be out on the Walhalla Plateau talking about geology at Cape Royal.
Unkar delta on Colorado River
And archeology at the Walhalla overlook.
Some days run late.
Rangers get paid in sunsets.
What a great job you have! So many interesting topics, fresh air and fantastic views.
Sunny 🙂
Oh I do like your rescued Long-horn beetle Gaelyn!! What a beauty!! Stunning shots of the Canyon too.
It seems like you have a full and busy day but I guess the nicest thing is that we meet so many wonderful people in jobs like this.
It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it!
That must be awesome to wake up to a sunrise like that. I love viewing it through the trees. That candelabra pine is amazing!
That was a fun tour through your day. How could anyone have more beautiful views? Your life as a ranger is the envy of nature lovers everywhere…
You forgot to add working in the visitor center–answering all those questions. You are one busy girl!
From sunrise to sunset – you have a very busy schedule, Gaelyn. But – you also have quite the view!
Sounds like spending the summer as a park ranger is a fun and interesting job, but it does keep you busy. I love your photos!
I love hearing about your days and seeing your photographs. Wonderful world you show us.
Yes, like the others, I love hearing about your days, love reading about what you do, see pictures of what you see! Great post as always, Gaelyn! And you do indeed have a wonderful world!
Have a great week!
I keep reminding myself 'I must not envy you' . 🙂
What a lovely job you have and I hope some day I will be able to accompany you in your nature walks for real. Till then I must content myself with these wonderful virtual trips. 🙂
I wish I was there to listen in to your geology talk, or campfire talk, or any other program you happen to be giving. I am sure I would learn some interesting things.
Being in the Okanogan has opened my eyes to more geological things for sure.
So fascinating. (I hope that bug doesn't eat the trees!)
Wow – what a fantastic place to work!
The colors of the canyon never cease to amaze me. It truly is an inspiring place to see. It always seems to be changing,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful world, Gaelyn 😀
It all looks good, except perhaps for the pre-dawn days. You sure have made a great life; interesting life in the summer and fredom to roam in the winter.
Beautiful world!
You make me long for a job change! Or at least a change in venue. Beautiful pictures. A campfire would have been nice here last night.
Wish I could hear one of your great geology talks. Wonderful sunrise and sunsets!
Well, that truly is a glimpse into your world! And a most varied and enviable world it is too!
What a lovely job you have Gaelyn. And you are so good for the job as well. Is the 5 legged longhorn beetle naturally like that or has he lost a leg?
your job sounds quite interesting and exciting. Really nice pics you captured too.
My world is up here.
You have such an interesting job and I know you put your heart and soul into it….Michelle
What an interesting job you have, Gaelyn!But also one that asks for a lot of energy!
Very neat! Do you ever have to deal with rowdy campers and visitors in a policing sort of way? Or maybe someone else does that?
So do you take classes to learn everything? or is the learning done on your own? it must be nice to know about lots of different things (even after my Master Naturalist classes, geology would be my weakest subject)